Monday, August 25, 2014

Ready, Set, Blog: Welcome to the Siberian American

I have wanted to blog as long as I can remember. I read many blogs and love the idea of being part of the community. To be honest, I have been worried about getting on this blogging train because I’m a pretty private person. It is scary to put myself out there, but I’ve decided to give it a shot.

My husband Chris is in his fourth year of medical school. Pretty soon, he’ll be applying to residencies all over the country. I’ve decided to finally start a blog because I want to remember this crazy transition period in our lives and document our next chapter.

Here’s what you might find on my blog:

*Travel recaps and tips—I absolutely love to travel and enjoy sharing my travels with others. If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to e-mail me!
*Frugal living tips—While my husband is in medical school, I have had to learn ways to save (and earn!) money. I can’t wait to share some of my discoveries.
*Dresses (and other clothes)—I own more dresses than some women will in their lifetimes. I love dressing up for both work and going out and am eager to share some favorite outfits.
*Books—I am one of those people who stay up way too late at night while reading a good book. Every month, I will post the books I have read with a short review of each book.
*Subscription boxes—Subscription boxes are my weakness. I love beauty products and will likely post reviews of some of my boxes.
*My dog Skyler—She’s half corgi, half fox, but completely adorable.

I told you she was cute. :)
*Life and love— Though I have mentioned that this is scary for me, I am also excited about stepping out of my comfort zone.
 *Randomness—Random makes me happy, and I hope it makes you happy too. ☺

For more about me, click here. I’m so glad you’re here!


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I totally understand being nervous to share some things, but I love the blogging community and being able to document our lives. Have fun!

  2. Welcome!! I started mine when I moved across the country for grad school to document the new chapter and I am so glad I did! Don't worry about feeling the need to put it all out there, it's your blog and you can blog what you want. It really is great to look back on!

  3. welcome to the blogging world sweets!

  4. I must say, I thought this was a pretty interesting read when it comes to your blog. Liked the material. . .


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