/ / One:
This weekend is Baylor Homecoming! Baylor is credited with having the oldest homecoming in the nation, and it is so much fun! Sadly, we can’t go this year due to interviews, but I am excited to see everyone’s photos.
/ / Two:
The weather is finally going to cooperate this weekend. We had crazy record highs lately (it hit 90 a few days ago), but it is finally going to cool down a bit. The high is 61 tomorrow! (I know all you people from up North are laughing at me right now, but it’s super exciting).
/ / Three:
/ / Four:
I am nine books away from my goal of reading 50 books this year, but it’s starting to get harder to read. I finished the goal last year, and I am hoping I can do it again!
/ / Five:
I have been scheming up a few new things for the blog, and I am so excited to share! Sorry for the ambiguity for now, but I hope y’all like my ideas as much as I do. :)