Monday, October 27, 2014

Blogtober14: A Letter to My Younger Self

Confession: I had another post nearly ready for today, but I saw the Blogtober prompt today, and I couldn’t pass it up. In high school, I wrote a letter to myself 10 years in the future (it’s pretty hilarious; I might have to post it someday), but I have never written a letter to the younger Olya. High school and early college Olya could have really used some guidance.

Dear younger Olya,

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Even though high school drama seems like the worst thing in the world, in a few years none of it will matter. Forget about all the crazy boy situations and focus on your friendships—it’s true what they say. You usually don’t go to high school to find your husband; you go to find your bridesmaids. Some of those girls will still mean the world to you many years later.

Follow your heart. Sure, your parents will want you to give up journalism (and will convince you to double major), but you will have a blast in college following your passion…and you will get a job in the journalism field. Stop worrying so much about the future and enjoy the journey.

Younger Olya, I know you love working hard, but take some time to just live. Don’t spend every moment of high school and college studying. When your friends ask you to go out, join them! You only get to be young once, and college is no fun when you spend it in the library. I promise that once you start going out, you will have no problem figuring out the balance between studying and your social life.

Olya, don't forget you are loved and don't forget to love yourself. Even when you feel like you're not worth it, you are.

And that cute guy you meet your first week at Baylor? Pay attention to him. He might just end up meaning the world to you. ;)

Older Olya 

Linking up with Helene for Blogtober.


  1. aww love this letter! you should definitely post the letter you wrote to yourself in high school, it sounds hilarious :) i wish i had not cared about the drama when i was a teenager, i didn't find my bridesmaids or husband in high school and it was pretty crappy all around, but i barely remember it now, because it doesnt matter. funny that, isnt it?

  2. Great post! And I totally agree - things that seemed so stressful in high school are so minuscule now!

  3. I love this!! Especially when you wrote this "You usually don’t go to high school to find your husband; you go to find your bridesmaids" - So true!!

  4. I love the line "you go to find your bridesmaids". That is so true. I've known two of my best friends since elementary school but I became super close with them in high school and they will definitely be my bridesmaids. I'm happy to say that I still am friends with a lot of the girls that I went to school with. Great letter! But you're right, all the drama and worries from the teenage years are so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things and I hardly remember all of that. :)

  5. Your prom dress is beautiful!!!! Great letter, lady!

  6. Taking time to really live is so important- all great advice!

  7. Great advice! I'd give a lot of the same advice to a younger me as well.

  8. I actually had a post like this as a draft a while ago, you're making me want to actually post it now!


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