Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Favorites: Winter Came to Texas

Happy Friday, everyone! Winter finally decided to show up to Texas this week, so I was off on Monday and Tuesday for ice days. We have another wave of sleet coming tomorrow, so this might have to be a cozy weekend at home. On to my Friday Favorites this week:
/ / One:
There is nothing better than getting unplanned days off. It was so nice to sleep in late, work on the blog, and cuddle up with my pup. I’m not sure I will ever stop being anxious that Chris has to go out in bad weather, though. It took him four hours to get home on Monday (it’s normally a 30-minute drive), and I did my fair share of worrying.

/ / Two:
I have finally gotten out of my reading slump! After Jenn posted about resources to find free books, I signed up for NetGalley. I picked out 10 books because I thought it would be hard to get my first one, but I was already approved for five of them! The first book I read was The Little Paris Bookshop, and it was one of the best books I have read in a while. I am so excited to read the other four books!

/ / Three:
I can’t write a Friday Favorites without mentioning Match Day! This week, we submitted our rank list, and we are now officially three weeks away from finding out where we are headed.

/ / Four:
I just bought some fun dress options for Match Day, and I’m so excited to try them out and pick one.

/ / Five:
Cat wrote a beautiful post this week about her boyfriend Reg leaving for South America. I loved reading about her positive perspective and her support.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

Linking up with AmandaKarliDarci, and the High Five for Friday girls.


  1. Enjoy your cozy weekend at home!!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. I love impromptu days off as well. Such a fun surprise :) Can't wait to see your match dresses. Stay warm & cozy this weekend!

  3. NetGalley sounds like something I need to check out. In an effort to not overcrowd my home with books and to save money, I have been borrowing quite a few books from the my public library. It is so easy and convenient now that I can just go online and borrow ebooks for my Kobo. :)

  4. How cute is your pup!? Love snow days!!

  5. I just signed up for Net Galley! I can't believe I didn't know that this existed before.

  6. 3 weeks!! I am jealous of your unplanned off days. The snow from last week is still on the ground and I am so over it.
    I am signed up for Netgalley but honestly rarely use it, because the % of books I get that.. well, aren't the best, is far too high lol. But the little paris bookshop I mean how can I not check it out after you said that!

  7. Winter looks pretty but from afar!! Have a great weekend!

  8. The snow/ice pictures are so pretty! It iced here Monday and snowed on Wednesday so we ended up with 3.5 days off and let me just say it was GLORIOUS!!!!

  9. Your pup is just so sweet! Yay for you having unplanned days off!

  10. I hope you had a lovely weekend, snow and ice and all!

    And woah! Match Day is only three weeks away???


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