Wednesday, February 25, 2015

One Month From Match Day: Residency Update

We are on the home stretch, friends! I can’t believe we will have the envelope that says where we are headed in a little over three weeks.

Today is the last day to submit your rank list, so our list is officially set in stone. This time last month, I was freaking out because Chris fell in love with a school I didn’t expect he would love. I am happy to say we put together his rank list without a single compromise, and we would both be over the moon if he got his first choice (but we would also be perfectly happy with his top five choices).

I can’t tell you what a relief it is to feel completely at peace about the process. Will I be panicking on the days leading up to Match Day? Probably. The thought of moving across the country in a short time still seems daunting, and, at times, terrifying. Even so, I know where we go is God’s will and will be the right place for us.

We are so excited the process is almost over, and soon enough, we will be heading to California to celebrate!

Feeling lost? I outline the Match Day process here, and explain more about radiology residency here


  1. Woo hoo!! Home stretch :) Sending good vibes your way! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. AHH! So exciting! Would you be willing to share your top 5 list?

  3. Woot! That's fantastic news, and I love how you would both be perfectly happy with his top 5 choices. It sounds like the odds are definitely in your favor! I can't wait to hear more once you can finally talk about it in public :)


  4. You're almost there! I can't wait to see how things play out for you two - and I'm secretly {well, not anymore} hoping you end up in NC :)

  5. I am so thrilled for you that you were able to make a list you both agreed on!!

  6. I work in Graduate Medical Education so when I saw you mention Match Day I had to find out how you were connected to it as well! It's so close -- sending good luck and happy thoughts!!


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