Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday Favorites: The Final Match Day Countdown

Happy Friday, friends! This is the last weekend before we find out where Chris is headed for residency, and I couldn’t be more excited. We will have to start planning as quickly as possible as soon as we know, so I am ready for one last relaxing weekend. On to my Friday favorites this week:

/ / One:
We are exactly one week from Match Day! I honestly can’t believe we are so close. On Monday, we will find out if Chris matched anywhere, and on Friday, we will finally know where we’re headed. I am so excited, but I haven’t been sleeping well with it being so close. I can’t wait to just know.

/ / Two:
After several weeks of gloomy weather, the sun is supposed to come out this weekend. Honestly, we aren’t used to constant rainy/icy weather in Texas, so everyone has been down. I am so ready to get our first taste of spring!

/ / Three:
This week was my last full week of work for the next six weeks! Our vacation time doesn’t roll over, so I have to spend it or lose it. We will have to make some quick decisions about where we are living once we know where we will be for intern year, so the timing is great.

/ / Four:
Along with Match Day, I am so excited for our California road trip! I can’t wait to explore new places with my hubby and in-laws, and I am eager to head back to San Francisco, one of my favorite cities in the world.

/ / Five:
I can’t help but show y’all another manicure. I painted my nails with Julep Veronica, and it’s such a pretty pink for spring! It is currently on sale on the Julep website, so I thought it would be a good time to share.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

Linking up with AmandaKarli, and the High Five for Friday girls.


  1. Ahhh match day woo hoo!! Can't wait to find out the good news...I feel like we have been on this journey together lol!! I am so excited for your trip to California!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Your ring is so pretty! And yay for Cali, match day and 6 weeks off! Maybe just a little jealous ;) of all the fun things in your future... but loving the fact that I get to experience all of it through you. Oh my gosh, your trip is going to be so amazing. California is one of my dream trips.

  3. Ah Match day, that is so exciting! I think the anticipation would absolutely eat me up!

  4. One week, yay!!! There's lots of excitement coming up for you. Yay for vacation time!!! Can't wait to hear all about it! Oh and out of curiosity...have we had the Jamberry conversation yet?

  5. I can't believe Match Day is almost here! Can't wait to see where you're headed!

  6. I know exactly what you're saying... can the sun please come out?! I need a Vitamin D lamp! lol I'm sooo jealous of your CA road trip, take me to Monterey!

    1. I can't wait to visit Monterey-it was a must on this trip!

  7. My sister in law is counting down the hours until match day too! So much stress!!!

  8. Umm that manicure is so gorg!! Love it! so excited for you guys and the match day. It seems to have come so quickly. I can't wait to hear about it!

  9. OH MY GOSH you find out today if he got matched!! eep!! when?! you might know now? how exciting! can't wait for friday!

  10. I was thinking of you as my office is in Match week frenzy! You guys are so close -- how exciting!

  11. I love San Francisco, too! It's seriously so beautiful and I've got so much more exploring I'd like to do there!

    Thanks for linking up :)


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