Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Favorites: It’s Match Day!

Happy Friday, friends! And more importantly for Chris and me—Happy Match Day! Today, at 11 a.m., we finally get that pretty little envelope that says where we are headed for residency. We have been waiting for this moment since September when he submitted his applications, so it is crazy that it is finally here!

I tried to think of five favorites today, but my brain is currently Match Day mush, so my list looked like this:

One. Match Day. 
Two. Match Day. 
Three. Match Day. 
Four. Match Day. 
Five. Match Day.

I am so nervous and excited that other thoughts are hard to come by. We are going to spend this weekend processing and on Monday, I will share more about Match Day and where we’re headed.

Thank you so much for your support during this crazy time in our lives! I know many of you are eager to find out where we’re headed, so if you leave me a comment, I will e-mail you back with the location.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Linking up with AmandaKarli, and the High Five for Friday girls.


  1. You're funny - good luck!!! That's so exciting; I can't wait to hear! Haha My friend had her match day earlier in March (Canadian) and she got what she wanted (our city... she'd been living 5 hours away for Med School and before that somewhere else for her under grad) so she's super thrilled to be coming home for good where her family and good friends are :):)

  2. Happy Match Day! GOOOOOOD LUCK!

  3. I am SO EXCITED for you that today is finally here! I'm hoping you get your first choice! Can't wait to hear about it! xoxo

  4. MAAATTTCCCH DAY!! i'm not kidding, it was like the first thing I thought of this morning. only about 2 hours, right?!! yay!! crossing all my fingers and toes for you!

  5. When are you going to share the news!! I'm so excited for you guys! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  6. Happy Match Day! I know it's been this looming date in the distance, but now it's finally here! Hurray! Hopefully all goes well and you wind up with a good choice! Sending you lots of positivity.

  7. Can't wait to find out where you guys end up!!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  8. Happy Match Day! I was checking in for an update. Let us know when you get the chance!!!


  9. Can't wait to hear how it all turned out!!

  10. I hope you two are happy about the match! Can't wait to hear all about it. :)

  11. I'm sure you are relieved to know the news! Can' wait to hear!

  12. I'm glad it finally came, but really? We have to wait til Monday to find out!! :-)

  13. Big day for you! Congrats!

    Thanks for linking up for H54F!

  14. Im just catching up on posts so I can't wait to see what he got!


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