Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Top Five Things to Do in Washington, D.C. Erica Style

Hey everyone, today I am heading off to California for a week, and while I am gone I have four great guest posts for you! Today, I have Erica from Looking for the Stars sharing her top five things to do in Washington, D.C. I haven't been to our nation's capital, but I have always wanted to go! I can't wait to use Erica's list when we visit!

 First of all I would like to say a big thank you to Olya for the honor of guest posting here. Since Olya is big into travel she suggested that I share about some of my favorite things to do in Washington, D.C ~ Our Nation's Capital! After going to school in Northern Virginia and being super close to DC for three years and then the last almost four years, I think I'm pretty qualified.  

Here are my Top 5 Things to Do in Washington, D.C.

5. The Botanical Gardens
If you want to see some beautiful flowers and interesting plants then this is the place to go. It is a HUGE structured green house right near the Capital Building. It's basically a big jungle and it is awesome!
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{full post here}

 4.  National Cherry Blossom Festival Around this time every year the Cherry Blossom trees are in full bloom. They are absolutely beautiful!  Each year, the National Cherry Blossom Festival celebrates spring in Washington, DC, the gift of the cherry blossom trees, and the enduring friendship between the people of the United States and Japan. The Festival produces and coordinates daily events featuring diverse and creative programming promoting traditional and contemporary arts and culture, natural beauty, and community 
 Looking to the Stars Cherry Blossom Festival photo Olya2_zpss3jurkoz.jpg Looking to the Stars Jefferson Memorial photo Olya3_zpsojxvoqo7.jpg
The Cherry Blossom Trees wrap around the tidal basin which then put you at the Jefferson Memorial! {full post here}

 3. Tour of the White House This was probably one of the coolest things to do. However, it's tricky to get in the White House. Usually you need to write your Governor at least three weeks in advance. I was lucky enough to know someone that worked at the White House and my family and I were given a private tour. Looking to the Stars White House Press Room photo Olya4_zpsyreytbuf.jpg
The White House Press Room...It looks a lot different on House of Cards and Scandal! Looking to the Stars West Wing photo Olya5_zps7nvogy89.jpg
Entrance to the West Wing with the Presidential Seal above the door. {full post here}

 2. The National American History Museum This is definitely one of favorite places. There is so much to see in this museum. Above all, my most favorite thing was the Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz.  photo Olya6_zpsm64a7tbe.jpg
My next favorite thing about the National American History Museum was seeing Julia Child's Kitchen. It's her ACTUAL kitchen from real life. It was so amazing to see. I loved it. Did you know that the movie Julie & Julia is what got me started in blogging? I started my first blog, Diaries of a Bookworm, right after I saw that movie. That blog didn't really go anywhere, but Looking to the Stars is here and here to stay!  photo Olya7_zpsgrs92p2w.jpg
{first post here | second post here}

1. Monument Tour at Night This is what I recommend the most to do! Seeing the monuments during the day is one thing, but at night it's totally different and so beautiful.
  photo Olya8_zpska1ddmsf.jpg Looking to the Stars Lincoln Memorial photo Olya9_zpsktkkvroj.jpg
 The Lincoln Memorial is my favorite, because Abe is my favorite president! {full post here}

 I hope you enjoyed my Washington, D.C. extravaganza and thank you for reading along. Thanks again to Olya for giving me the chance to reach her readers and I hope you choose to follow along with me at Looking to the Stars

 All material © Erica Musyt


  1. well where was this last weekend? :) haha just kidding - I love DC and have been 3 times and I haven't done all of these things, so I guess I need to go back ;)

  2. I have always wanted to go to Washtington, DC This is a great list of places to hit!

  3. My favorite part of the American History Museum is where they have the dresses from the first ladies! I have some photos that I took a few years ago at the botanical garden that I still use on my blog as "stock" photos or have printed and hanging at my house!

  4. I will be in Virginia in the summer and I can't wait to visit all (or at least some) of these places!


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