Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Life Update: One Month in Chicago

I honestly can’t believe it has been a month since our move (though in some ways, it feels like we have been here for much longer). I promise I won’t write an update for every month we are here, but today I wanted to share more about our life here.

I knew Chicago was nicknamed the Windy City before we got here, but I didn’t fully understand what that meant. The wind here is no joke. I usually wear dresses 95 percent of the time, but I am wearing pants much more often here, so I can avoid having my own Marilyn Monroe moment.

You know how I was all worried about missing the food in Texas? I haven’t thought about it at all. Instead I am constantly looking up lists about the best restaurants in Chicago. Taste of Chicago is coming up, and I am eagerly putting together a game plan. If you have never been to Chicago, the food alone is worth a visit.

Speaking of Texas, I think we brought the torrential downpours here with us. We haven’t had a rain-free weekend yet. I’m really hoping for some sun soon, so I can finally check out our pool deck!

There is nothing more fun than exploring the city with my love. On most services, he only gets one day off a week (though they can tell him to work two weeks straight and get a weekend at the end), so I have been trying to take advantage of our limited time. Chris might say I might be trying to take a little too much advantage when I made him walk over 10 miles on Sunday.

Even though Chicago has been fun so far, the transition to freelancing has been hard. I miss my job, my coworkers, and having somewhere to be every day. I have to force myself to get out of the house more often before I go crazy.


  1. haha poor Chris, one day off and you make him walk 10 miles ;) just kidding, you deserve to spend the time together!
    I'm glad Chicago has been fun, though I'm sorry it's still a bit hard. 1 down, 11 to go ;)

  2. Yea the weather hasn't been great this summer but when it warms up I will be so happy!! You get used to the wind, shorts under your dresses or skirts is always a good idea. I can't tell you how many times i've turned a corner and my entire skirt lifted.

  3. I visited Chicago for the first time in October and loved it! I was there for business so I didn't get to do a ton of touristy things, but my co-workers and I ate at The Girl and the Goat and it was hands down, possibly the best meal I've ever had in my life. Plus, I'm a huge Top Chef fan and the head chef there was the Season 4 winner so I may have fangirled a little bit :)

  4. Glad you're making a home there! Can't wait to hear about this delish food...

    1. I might have to do a whole post on the food-it's so good!

  5. I definitely know what you mean with the freelancing! Sometimes I don't have a reason to leave the apartment all day, and that really sucks. Try to make yourself go out and explore some on your own! Go to a meetup or visit a coffee shop for a bit, anything to have to get up and get dressed in the morning. It's hard!

  6. Hope the weather starts clearing up so you can enjoy outside more and your pool deck. Chicago does have amazing food so I'm sure you'll be just fine!

  7. Love Chicago! Can't wait for you to check out your pool deck and post pics! Chris is such a trooper for site seeing on weekends. I bet he's exhausted!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  8. So happy that you are having a great time exploring your new city!!! Enjoy all the food! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. Glad you're loving your new city... I hope the rain stops for you and us down here in Texas! I would love to visit Chicago in the summer (or late spring). It was so cold when I was there last! brrr

    1. I can't believe Texas is still getting rain! Such a crazy year! Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to the cold just yet. :)

  10. I totally agree, the food in Chicago was one of our favorite things! I hope the weather clears up soon, so y'all can take advantage of the summer!

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  12. I imagine the food options are endless! I can't wait to hear all of your recommendations. :) That's too bad about not being able to wear dresses as much though. :(

  13. Has it really been a month already??? So cool! Glad you're loving it! Cant wait to see more!

  14. Food is the only reason I travel, so Chicago has just been added to my list! I don't do freelance work, but I have worked from home for the past 3 years. The key is to find activities to be part of. Join clubs, try I'm sure Chicago has a lot going on!


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