Monday, September 21, 2015

Quick Thoughts: Lake Michigan Circle Tour Road Trip

Hello, friends. I am so glad to be back on the blog this morning. I decided to go ahead and take Friday off from blogging last minute because my in-laws came to visit. Thank you so much to my wonderful guest posters for holding down the fort while I was gone.

After several stressful months, this trip was exactly what we needed to get us through the rest of the year. Honestly, going into the road trip I was a little bummed that we couldn’t do something a little more “exciting” since this is Christopher’s only real vacation until the end of intern year in June, but everything turned out so much better than I expected. I easily fell in love with the Midwest. Chris and I were constantly talking about how great it would be to live in this area (minus the winters!)

We crammed as much as we could into each day, but there was so much more we could have done. One of the things that surprised me was how good the food was—Chris keeps “joking” about driving the three hours back to Grand Haven just so we can eat.

Skyler was such a trooper. She loved all the hiking we did. Those little corgi legs were trucking all over the place. The hardest part of hiking with Sky is people constantly stop us to ask about her. Don’t get me wrong—I love talking about her, but when you are on a five-mile hike, sometimes all you want to do is get to your destination.

Even though we mostly stayed on the Lake Michigan Circle Tour route, we made detours so we could see three Great Lakes on this trip—Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Lake Superior. We have had people from the Midwest tell us they don’t have to visit an ocean because they have everything they need at the lake, and I can see the appeal. The water, especially at Lake Superior, is so clear and beautiful, and you don’t have to deal with it being salty.

I am so excited to share our trip with y’all. I hope it inspires you to give Michigan and Wisconsin a try.


  1. I can't wait to read all about your trip!!

  2. So glad that y'all had such a good time on your roadtrip, and I can't wait to hear all about it! It's funny, but I feel myself getting more and more excited about food when we go on vacation than anything else.

  3. I'm so glad you had a good time! I can't wait to hear more about it.

  4. I'm glad you had a great time! That waterfall is gorgeous and I desperately need a cinnamon roll now!

  5. Sounds like an amazing trip and just what you guys needed <3

    Green Fashionista

  6. Can't wait to hear more about your trip! That waterfall is gorgeous.

  7. Welcome back girl and can't wait to hear all about it! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Yay! Welcome back! Can't wait to hear all about your trip! And yes, when on a 5 mile hike I definitely don't want to stop and chat lol!

  9. Looking forward to hearing more about the trip! Sounds like you got to do lots of fun stuff and even got to bring the pup along. Nice!

  10. i would totally drive 3 hours for a good meal hahaha :) can't believe people stop and talk to you about your dog, like hello we are busy trying to hike here. lol

  11. I think I'm a broken record but I always love to read your travel posts. David and I are always playing that hypotethical game of, "Where is your dream vacation if..." and he always picks Montana and Wyoming. Mine is more like LA, NYC, Chicago, Boston... Maybe I should be a little more open-minded?

  12. I'm sooooo glad you had such a great time!! :) haha oh man I never even thought it that when I see people with dogs, totally makes since though! When I hike all I want to do it get it done asap. I'm excited to read more about your trip!! :)
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

  13. I can't wait to read more about your trip and find out what that delicious looking plate of food is!

  14. So glad you had a great trip! Can't wait to read all about it!

  15. I'm glad you fell in love with the midwest and this trip was exactly what you needed!

  16. I grew-up in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota and have taken the circle tour around Lake Superior. The area is so beautiful. I have lived in Florida for 30 years and love it but I do miss it there in the Summer time. (Certainly not the Winters though - lol) Thanks for sharing your fun trip!

    1. I would love to take the whole circle tour around Lake Superior! What we saw of it was so beautiful!

  17. Looking forward to reading your recap! My dad's family lives in Michigan so I visit once or twice a year. I went to Grand Haven over the summer and it was so beautiful (and great food haha)

  18. Yup, Wisconsin is pretty fabulous! I'm glad the you enjoyed your trip up here. :)

  19. So exciting you got a see a part of my world! What did you guys do in Grand Haven? Grand Haven State Park is my go to beach during the summer! Thanks for linking up this week.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  20. I'm glad you guys had such a wonderful vacation! Sometimes the ones where you don't have something particularly "exciting" are the best ones! I'm sure you had more than enough fun time together!

  21. Can't wait to hear more about your trip...did you stop by Traverse City at all?! That's my hometown!!! And I'm totally biased, but one of the best places in the entire world :) So happy I just came across your blog xo



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