Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Three Goals I Have Every Year

Happy 2016, everyone! It’s been a crazy few days, but I am glad to be home and settling into our normal routine (whatever that really means during residency). If you had told me this time last year we would have been ringing in 2016 in Milwaukee with my parents and Russian friends, I would have thought you were crazy. We had a great couple days seeing my family and meeting new friends. I will share more about New Year’s Eve in my monthly recap, but today I wanted to share the three goals I have for myself every year.

Visit at least one place I’ve never been. 
I know some years this will be easier than others, but my goal is to visit at least one new place every year. In 2015, we were blessed with a fun year of travel, and I visited Belize, Honduras, Cozumel, San Diego, Hearst Castle, Michigan, and Wisconsin for the first time. I’m not sure if we will be able to take a nicer vacation this year due to Christopher’s schedule, but I will definitely try to go on as many small trips as possible.

Make every day an adventure. 
Now that I work from home, it is so easy to stay home and not want to go out once Christopher gets home. My goal for every day is to treat it like it’s a day that I will never get back. Some of the spontaneous adventures I have been on by myself or with Christopher have been the best, and I can’t wait to treat every day like an adventure in 2016 and beyond.

Stay positive. 
I have talked on the blog before about keeping a positive mindset, and I hope it’s something I can keep up for the rest of my life. Since my commitment to staying positive, I feel like my life has completely changed. Although I still have rough days, positivity has made them much more manageable.


  1. Great goals! Do you enjoy working from home? I love the idea of it, but wonder if I would feel motivated?

  2. Adventure everyday, that is such a great goal!

    1. It is so fun to treat every day like it's something special! :)

  3. I love the make everyday an adventure goal. That's something I need to start doing more of. Happy New Year!

  4. I LOVE the goal of making every day an adventure!

  5. Such great goals! Of course you'll be able to knock the travel one off your list no problem! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I love your goal of trying to visit at least one new place every year! Especially since you're in Chicago, you should have the opportunity to visit some new places around there next year, even if you can't go on a bigger trip!

  7. being positive is seriously such a game changer. it's so important, because i think i have a natural tendency to be a bit of a bummer, so it's something i have to work towards all the time! and i would love to visit someplace new every year. wouldn't that be nice!

  8. Love these goals! Go somewhere I've never been is always on my list too, as well as staying positive. I think if you stay positive you just make each day an adventure anyway. Happy New Year Olya!

  9. I love this!! Very good intentions for living a wonderful life!!

  10. Awesome goals gurlie! I especially love the one about traveling to a new place each year <3

    Green Fashionista

  11. These are perfect goals for every year! I want to travel to a new place every year now too.

  12. Great goals. We barely travel so we'd struggle with that one. but the most important to me is the stay positive. I struggle with being positive in most situations. And definitely on the adventure part. Although I do kind of feel that everyday with Sophie is an adventure.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  13. Those are some great goals & things that are obtainable. You'll have to hit up Miller Park for a Milwaukee Brewer game. People real like that stadium & Cub fans really like to come up from Chicago to up a game. :)

  14. Those are great goals. I'm excited to see where 2016 takes you!

  15. I didn't realize you were working from home! What do you do these days?


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