The Siberian American: Favorite Russian Superstitions (Part Two)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Favorite Russian Superstitions (Part Two)

When I did my reader survey back in August, many readers mentioned they would like to see more posts about growing up Russian. Today, I wanted to share three more Russian superstitions I heard often. Click here for part one of my favorite Russian superstitions.

Don’t whistle indoors…or you will lose money.
After growing up with this superstition, I can’t stand whistling, even if it is outdoors.

If you sneeze while telling a story, it means you are telling the truth.
This also works if someone else is telling a story and another person in the group sneezes. Basically, if someone sneezes, whatever story is being told at the time is true.

If your ears or cheeks are hot, it means someone is thinking of you.
I always thought this was cute growing up because you never know if it means your crush is thinking of you!

Do you have any favorite superstitions?