Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

When life gets stressful, I love putting together lists of things that make me happy. Here’s my latest list:

Cuddling up on the couch with a mug of filled with tea and a good book

Gorgeous sunny days without a cloud in the sky

Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting

Being on or around the water (bonus points if it’s a cruise or a boat tour)

Catching up with childhood friends

Planning trips and exploring new places with my love

Seeing signs of spring on my walks with Skyler

Getting our air conditioning fixed, so these Texans don’t have to burn up in their home

Pulling out and wearing bright colors for spring

Baking lemon cupcakes with raspberry buttercream frosting with Christopher on his day off

Now it’s your turn. What makes you happy?


  1. Great list! Water is always a huge soother / mood booster for me.

  2. Oh, I think I need to do this . . . we need to remind ourselves of the happy things sometimes! My dogs, healthy kids, window open weather . . . a few things that make me happy!

  3. Being on or around the water can ALWAYS make me happy.. that's why we moved back to the coast I just need the ocean!

  4. Great list! For me, it's always a big hug from my husband or some silly antics from Baxter.

  5. Yes! I love happy lists! This week, house hunting is making me happy-I'm so excited to be starting the next step and making a new home somewhere!

  6. Mmm, now I want a red velvet cupcake!
    I feel happy when there's a cool breeze and sun on my face. And when we can sneak off on a fun weekend get-away. Or when my pups just sit quietly and watch the world out our windows :)

  7. Ahh now I'm hungry and can't stop thinking about cream cheese frosting!!

  8. Love your list! Still keeping you in my thoughts!! Really hope everything is okay!

  9. Totally agree with seeing signs of Spring, I'm ready!

  10. Making a happy list is the perfect way to make yourself feel happy! Planning trips is the perfect way to destress because it helps you think about something that you're really looking forward to. And desserts! Desserts are always a good idea!

  11. All of these sound so soothing. Planning trips and exploring places has to be my favorite. Those lemon and raspberry cupcakes sounds divine.

  12. basically all the cupcakes hahaha. planning trips always makes me happy!

  13. Such a happy list! Love this! Sorry things are stressful right now, but I'm so glad that you are focusing on the positives!

  14. Delicious cupcakes and traveling with my loved ones, two very happy things!

  15. all ten of those things would make me happy too! now, I want a cupcake :)

  16. I absolutely love this post. It made me happy to read it! (and I might steal this idea when things get rough for me, too!). Sunny days, signs of spring, and bright colors are bringing me joy, as well!
    Darling, Dearest

  17. Most everything on your list makes me happy! Especially the planning trips one. When my dog is tired and sweet is also a huge treat for me! (He's sweet when he's not tired too, he's just excitable).

  18. Definitely agree that planning trips with Gary makes me instantly feel better!

  19. I love curling up the couch with a cup of tea and a good book too! One of my favorite things to do :)


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