Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Let’s Have a Coffee Date

I so wish I could sit down with each and every one of you, so we could chat about our lives. Since I can’t do that, I thought I would catch y’all on what’s been happening in my world lately with a virtual coffee date (and an iced white mocha, please!).

If we were having coffee, I would tell you there are only 20 days left in Christopher’s intern year (he got two weeks of vacation time at the very end, so he is finishing early). It’s been such a crazy, hectic year, and I am so proud of the way Chris has handled it.

I would tell you that I have been going crazy with the construction outside of my window for the last two weeks. Chicago let the building across from us have an unusual permit where they can do three times the construction you can usually do at a time, so I hear constant banging from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. Usually, I would just leave to work somewhere else, but I can’t because of my health.

I would mention that I’ve been to Russian/Ukrainian restaurants twice in the past two weeks. I haven’t had my Mama’s cooking in a year, and all my favorite Russian food is too time consuming to make. Chris and I went to Russian Tea Time for pelmini, varenyky, and blini last weekend. This past Sunday, we met up one of my childhood friends and her fiancé for an amazing assortment of Russian and Ukrainian food at Shokolad.

I would tell you I am so excited I found an apartment at the place we wanted with an earlier move-in date. Now we won’t have to put our things in storage for over a month and move twice.

I would probably grumble a little about Christopher’s current rotation. He was supposed to be on a super easy rotation with weekends for the next few weeks, but he got pulled to do a much harder one that he had already done (even though there are people in his intern class who won’t have to do it this year). He has to leave at 5 a.m. every day and comes home around 9 p.m. It’s such a bummer when they change the schedule on us.

I would tell you I am thankful I feel so hopeful and positive about my health. It’s not easy, and I have weak moments (and get discouraged when I can barely move), but I believe God is in control, and everything will work out.

Now it’s your turn! What would you tell me?


  1. Lots going on with you! That construction would drive me bonkers- they're building a new building right next to my office and while looking out the window at it is nice- the noise is insane! Glad you find a place to move!

  2. That's so great that you've gotten to eat Russian food! I don't think I've ever tried it, but I really should! Also, yay for finding a great apartment! So sorry about Chris's schedule switch - that would annoy me too. Stay strong and be encouraged! Prayers coming your way.

  3. Yay for an earlier move-in date! I'm so happy for you! I would tell you that the appraisal for our home came through, and we are officially going to be homeowners! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I'm really looking forward to having lots of projects to do around the house during intern year to keep me busy!

  4. Sounds like such positive things for you!!! Glad you're able to move into a great place earlier instead of having to move twice.

    I would tell you all about the plans we have for this weekend and how it involved a DIY :)

    liz @ j for joiner

  5. Yay for the apartment!! Soexciting there's only 20 days left!!

  6. That is so great that you found an apartment and can move earilier. Moving twice is no fun. Glad to see that you are being positive about your health. Having a good outlook does make a difference. Sending you some prayers and hugs.

  7. It's so crazy to believe that your time in Chicago is almost over! A year shouldn't be able to fly that fast! That sucks about all the construction that's been happening around your apartment, especially since you can't get away from it. That's great news about the apartment you found back in Texas! The move is going to be here before you know it!

  8. You have a lot going on! Soak in all that Chicago time, lady!

  9. Bummer about the construction, that's tough when it's all day long. Awesome that you won't have to move twice.

  10. Sending hugs.

  11. Greta news about your apartment! Your move is so soon!

  12. So glad to hear that you found a great place to live and won't have to worry about storing your stuff! That's great! And I'm glad to hear that you've been feeling positive about the health stuff. The mental part of it can be the hardest sometimes.

  13. That's awesome that you were able to find a place with an earlier move in date!

  14. That is great his internship is almost over!! and that you found a place to move so you don't have to store your stuff, yay! :)

  15. What a bummer about his rotation! Ugh. But I'm so glad you were able to get the apartment you wanted and not have to move twice! And I'm happy you're able to stay positive about your health. You've got this! <3

  16. We have a Russian store near us and always get pelmini!! In fact we're having them tonight!!

  17. Sorry that Chris' schedule has been so rough, but yay for him being almost done and for indulging in Russian cooking! You've been amazing at staying hopeful and positive, before you know it you'll be all patched up and good as new <3
    Green Fashionista

  18. That is a rough schedule. I hope he gets put on a better one soon! I work from 7-4:30 and feel pooped from that. I have never had Russian food! I don't think we have any near us, but there may be some in Philly, which is fairly close to us. I would love to try it.

  19. So cool that you found the perfect circumstance with the apartment! Bummer about the building noise though - that must be a complete pain in the butt!

    (Off to read the health post - sorry in advance that I missed it)

  20. ah, I'm so sorry about construction! That stuff can drive you nuts! SO EXCITING about your apartment!!!!

  21. I'll have a flat white, thanks! ;) Argh, construction noise day in day out is inhumane! Glad the apartment situation worked out and glad to hear you're feeling a bit more positive! Stay strong, but hey, you're allowed to have a good cry too if you feel like one! Hugs

  22. yay for an earlier move in date that is awesome! and boo for construction. i work in construction and i hate hearing it lol. i don't drink coffee but i do like a hot chocolate or anything chocolatey haha so i'm down. fingers and toes crossed and thinking about you and your health often lovely xxx

  23. I always mean to do a coffee date post. I love them.

    I'm glad you won't have to move twice. Moving is terrible enough once.

  24. That construction would drive me nuts too but at least it's almost time to move! Sorry to hear you're in so much pain :( prayers coming your way!

  25. Olya, sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I'm sorry about the health issues you are dealing with. You will feel so much better once that is all resolved. Hang in there!! xo Selena

  26. That construction would make me a very unhappy resident! I hope you have some good earplugs so you aren't forced to wake up at 6 every day! I don't know that I've ever actually had Russian food. What is your favorite dish?


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