Friday, June 17, 2016

Five Things I Will Miss About Chicago

In November, I wrote a post about five (silly) things I missed about Texas. Now that my time in Chicago is coming to a close, I thought I would share five things I’ll miss about the city.

Lake Michigan
If you’ve been following along on my year in Chicago, you’re not surprised I have Lake Michigan as the top thing I’ll miss about Chicago. When we first moved here, I was amazed at how beautiful the lake was, and since we live in close walking distance, it became my place to go when I was stressed out.

It makes me laugh that I was worried about how I was going to survive a year without Tex-Mex. It’s still obviously one of my favorite types of food, and I can’t wait to eat it once we get back to Texas, but the food in Chicago is nothing short of amazing. One of the future posts I’m most excited to write is my guide to restaurants in Chicago. I’ve tried so much delicious and unique food while we were here. On Wednesday, we tried Peruvian food for the first time at Tanta, and I wish we could go there all the time.

Walking everywhere
I won’t miss this as much now that I’m not feeling well, but I loved being able to walk everywhere in Chicago. We lived in a great area super close to the lake, museums, and fun restaurants. We were also on the same block as Target, so it was easy to grab any essentials! We are moving to one of the more walkable areas in Dallas, so hopefully we can ease back into having to drive all the time.

Our view
Like I said, I love where our building is located, and I’ve really enjoyed the view out of our balcony. The sunsets have also been truly amazing.

Exploring the Midwest
Our year in Chicago was also the first time we have spent a significant amount of time in the Midwest (except Missouri), and I really loved our day trips and the week we spent exploring Michigan and Wisconsin. I had a few more trips planned that we had to cancel because of my health, but it just means we have to come back and visit to do them!

It goes without saying I will miss all the wonderful people we met this year! The worst part of moving is having to say goodbye to great friends, but I am super excited to be close to family and old friends again! See you later, Chicago. Love you always.

Linking up with AmandaKarli, and the High Five for Friday girls.

Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. I would miss that lake too! I grew up on a small lake and now live in a very landlocked area. It still feels weird to not have a body of water just down the street. One of my favourite things about Texas is the food too! Tex-Mex all the way! xx Rox-Anne,

  2. As a newbie to the city, I enjoyed reading this. It's so cool that you do a post like this for each city! You're right, any parking less than $20 is a steal + I too was worried about the food here (I thought I would be limited to pizza + beer) HAHA. Nope, there's actually some pretty great restaurants. But I do love the Deep Dish. Mmmm

  3. It's always so bittersweet leaving a place that holds so many memories! You guys really made the most out of the past year

  4. I swear that I want to go back to Chicago just to eat! Everything we ate was just so delicious! And being able to walk everywhere is one of the things that I love about northern cities too! It just makes everything more convenient!

  5. All of your Chicago posts have made me want to visit there so badly!

  6. Where was the last photo taken? It's a beauty!

  7. You make me want to hop on a plane and visit Chicago stat. What great memories you will have of Chicago. Living in a walkable city is so great and I'm sure you will miss that. Although, it gets so hot in Dallas, not sure I would want to walk around in that heat.

  8. I didn't realize you were within walking distance to Lake Michigan. That's pretty awesome :) I wish that my town had more unique restaurants. There's not much culture here when it comes to food. I'm pretty jealous of your walking-distance sites, too!!

  9. Lake Michigan is the best! I'm a Michigander and I believe the midwest is the best but I'm sure Texas will be awesome!!!

  10. Oooo I'm excited for your restaurants post! So cool that Lake Michigan is within walking distance!

  11. Chicago is such a fun city! So great that you were able to spend a year living there!

  12. Lake Michigan is so gorgeous and I'd miss that view too of the city. I'm sure it was nice to have a change of scenery for a year but Texas has it's own charm and good food of a different variety.

  13. Such a bittersweet time for you guys to head back home, and leave such an amazing city behind. I couldn't get over how gorgeous Lake Michigan was either, or the river that runs right through the city. But man alive the food.... best city for food in the U.S. (in my opinion so far) We ate our way through the city, and everything was incredible! <3
    Green Fashionista

  14. I'm looking forward to hearing about your new life back in Texas, but I bet you'll find yourself talking about Chicago on here a lot! I'm sorry that your health slowed down the exploring these past few months, and I hope everything is going okay with you.

  15. Ahhh the food, I still miss it so much! Every time we go back to visit, we're torn between visiting our favorite spots or trying new ones - there are just too many great restaurants!

  16. Lake Michigan is beautiful! One of the things that surprised me the first time I was in Chicago was the beach :)

  17. You've just convinced me to go visit Chicago. :)

  18. Aww, so many good things about Chicago! The deep-dish pizza would have a category on it's own if I were doing a "things I would miss about Chicago" post. ;) And just how clean the city is! Of all the cities I've been to world wide, Chicago is by far one of the cleanest! Or at least it was during the times I visited (we don't visit family & friends in Illinois as often as we used to so it's been several years since I was last in Chicago). Aaanyway, I'm so glad Chicago has treated you so well over this past year! :)

  19. Aww, I know the feeling all too well...! I love cities and being able to walk or take public transportation because I don't really drive. HA! And the food choices are just amazing!! But here's to the next adventure!!

  20. Chicago is just hand downs my favorite city. I agree with all your points! But moving back to Texas and being close to friends sounds perfect too.

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  21. the thing i miss most about living in a big city is public transport/walking everywhere as well. i can't wait for your guide to restaurants, one day we will make it back up to chicago and eat all the food.


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