Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hello from Texas

Hey, everyone. I just wanted to write a quick note that I made it to Texas! We actually managed to make the whole drive in one day in a little over 13 hours. It was a long, hard day, but at least it meant we were done, and I could recover the next day. Christopher and his parents are leaving Chicago in the moving truck today (there is severe weather in the forecast for Chicago, so we would love your prayers and positive thoughts that they can leave before it starts).

Being back at my parents’ house after not stepping foot in Texas for over a year feels weird. In some ways, it feels like I never left. (Wasn't it just yesterday that I wrote a quick hello from Chicago?) On the other hand, it feels like I’ve been gone forever. It’s also going to take a while to get used to the heat again. It’s crazy how quickly my body adjusted to the beautiful Chicago summers!

We don’t move in to our new place until Tuesday, so it will be nice to have a few days to relax (even though Christopher does have to go to orientation) before part two of our moving madness. Thank you so much for all of your support as we make the transition back from Chicago to Dallas. I can’t wait to share more about our life here!


  1. Yay! You're home! So happy you made it, and I'll be praying Christopher and his parents make it safely without any bad weather!

  2. Good luck with everything! I can't wait to hear more about your new adventure in Texas :)

  3. I'm glad you made it back to the great state of Texas safely! Enjoy your couple days of rest. Let me tell you, I don't think I will ever get used to the Texas heat again after living in DC for three years.... Good thing I love so many other things about this state, or else I wouldn't be here!

  4. I'm glad you made it safely! Once you get all settled in & I make it back down to DFW at the end of the summer we'll have to try to plan a meet up!

  5. It really is surreal to be back in your parents' home, especially after being gone for so long! I hope that the move goes really well for y'all next week!

  6. So glad you made it back safely!


  7. I'm glad you made it safely to Texas (and what a cute little travel companion!). Prayers and good vibes to Christopher and his parents!

  8. Glad that you are safely in Texas & able to relax a lil bit before getting into your place. :)

  9. Welcome back home and so glad your drive was an easy one - hoping the same for Chris!! xo, Biana

  10. Yay for a safe and quick trip, glad you guys are home and are able to get settled soon. Hoping you're feeling well too <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. I'm glad you made it there! Hope you enjoy the resting and relaxing time, sounds good to have a break in between.

  12. Yay. I know you're so happy to be home! So happy for y'all.

  13. aw! I am so feeling you. This is so parallel to what I did last August moving down here (esp. me driving with the pup alone and then my hub driving the moving truck). It is so crazy how chapters come and go. Have a fabulous little relaxing weekend at home with your parents (that's kinda nice).

  14. Glad you made it back home safely!! Hopefully Christopher made the drive down there safely! The storms were awful, so you're lucky to be gone. Can't wait to hear how you adjust back in Dallas!

  15. glad your drive went well and you arrived safe and sound, hope christopher's drive went well :)

  16. So glad you are safely there!! Welcome back to Texas!

  17. Oh, no! You left Chicago already. :( My husband and I plan on going sometime next year (because I wanted to have a photo taken beside Michael Jordan's statue lol); I thought I'd meet you there. :(

    1. Aww, I'm bummed, Jae! I would have loved to meet you!


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