Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Intern Year: We Did It, Darling

A few weeks into his first year of medical school, Christopher opened up a fortune cookie that said “you will make a name for yourself in medicine.” Since that day, he has kept that fortune in his wallet as a reminder of what is to come.

I can’t even begin to describe how proud I am of Christopher. Some of you have asked me how we ended up in Chicago for a year. The short version is that he is required to do an intern year in internal medicine, surgery, or pediatrics before he can begin his four-year radiology residency. Instead of spending the year complaining about having to do something not in his specialty, he worked hard to be the best doctor he could be. I’ve lost count of how many times he was asked to switch his specialty from radiology to internal medicine by people in his current program because they wanted him to stay. Not only that, but he had to take his Step 3 (a physician licensing exam) a year before most people, and he scored in the top one percent of everyone who took it. I’m not usually one to brag, but it was just so amazing to watch him work so hard all year when he could have coasted along until radiology residency.

This was both the best and worst year of my life. As much as I loved exploring Chicago, Christopher’s constant schedule changes and long hours at work combined with my health problems resulted in a lot of stress. Through it all, I was so impressed with my love. I rarely heard him complain, even when he had to go back to work on two hours of sleep, or when he had to stay six hours later than expected because of an emergency.

This year has made us stronger as a couple. I learned that residency is just a season of life, and it’s okay if he can’t make it to a Friday night get-together with friends or a close friend’s wedding. We made a point to focus on each together during the limited time we did have together.

To intern year, I say good riddance. In many ways, I won’t miss you. What I didn’t expect to feel was grateful that we went through it. Not only has Christopher grown so much as a doctor, but we have grown so much as a couple. We didn’t just survive. We thrived.

As for that fortune cookie, I believe every word. Someday, my Christopher will make a name for himself in medicine. Maybe not in the number of publications he publishes, but certainly in the compassionate way he treats his patients. And I will be right beside him cheering him on along the way.


  1. Yay yay yay! Congratulations to Christopher and you! I'm always so impressed by the wives (and husbands) of doctors and military folks and anyone that ends up spending more time alone than with their love. My husband started a business 4 years ago and he works A LOT, but it really isn't that bad compared to some medical students. Congratulations to you both! I hope next year is 10xs easier with schooling AND health!

  2. Congratulations to both of you! I'm glad that you've both learned & grown from this experience.

  3. Congratulations to Christopher. Wishing you both much happiness and good health. You both are amazing people.

  4. awwww this is so awesome. love the fortune cookie :) and that you guys have grown and can be grateful for this year. here's to next year, and the next 50 after that ;)

  5. Congratulations! How awesome that he got that fortune cookie. That's the most specific one I've ever heard of!

    I'm sure he will do great things, and your support will be a huge factor in that!

  6. I'm obsessed with the fact that he got that fortune cookie! How serendipitous! That's amazing. It's great to see your love work really hard at something and succeed. And granted, my relationship hasn't endured medical school but I have friends who have and they all say it's an insane venture to take on together. Go you guys!

  7. Congrats!! I love the fortune cookie, that is so cool!

  8. Congratulations! He truly sounds like a one of a kind husband and doctor. I'm looking forward to following along on the next step in your journey.

  9. That is so impressive that he did all of this, that fortune was totally correct and I believe he will do great things in medicine. Glad you guys survived the year and became closer!!

  10. You have done this past year so well, and with so much grace. I admire you! Congratulations!

  11. Congrats to Christopher on completing his intern year! I know that it was so tough for y'all with his crazy hours, but it sounds like it was all worth it in the end!

  12. Hurray! Sounds like he is going to be such an amazing doctor when the schooling and residency is done. Go Christopher!
    Xo, Evelina @ Fortunate House

  13. That's wild that he got that fortune cookie. How neat! Sounds like he's going to be an amazing smart and gifted doctor.

  14. I love this post. I can relate to this in many ways because we moved here for my husband's job and he works all the time as well. When we do have limited time together we try to make the most of it and cherish that time. Congratulations on getting through that year and good luck with your move!


    1. Thank you so much, Marette! It's definitely hard when Chris works all the time, but it makes our time together so much sweeter!

  15. That's super awesome! Congrats to both of you! It's sad, but it's so rare to see that kind of a work ethic these days, so you definitely have the right to brag!

  16. What an awesome fortune cookie! You guys have had quite a year, and in such an amazing city. Can't wait to hear more about your bright future <3
    Green Fashionista

  17. This is so sweet! Congrats to both of you guys on surviving (and mastering!) such a tough year!

  18. Love, love, love this post! I love to hear you bragging on him (and it's well deserved, it sounds like!) and I love hearing how much you guys have grown together over this year. You guys are so sweet together!

  19. Congratulations to Chris on all of his fine accomplishments!!! I can't wait to see what adventure is up for your next :) glad to hear that your love is only stronger now! I know stress and health problems can be tough.

    liz @ j for joiner

  20. Beautiful post...!! And a massive congrats to Chris - I look forward to following his medical career!! And so lovely to hear that this year has solidified your relationship even more! Here's to the next adventure!!


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