Monday, June 13, 2016

Life Update: One Year in Chicago

On our one-year anniversary in Chicago, I wrote a letter to the city, but I haven’t shared what we did in May. Here's a recap of some of our fun dates last month:

In May, the weather in Chicago finally started to show hints of spring and summer, so we tried to get out as much as we could. I really missed my mama’s cooking, so we headed to Russian Tea Time for some great Russian food. We had varenyky, pelmeni, and blini. Chris also tried (and really liked) the duck.

After the delicious dinner, we headed to the Chicago River for a relaxing walk by the water.

On Mother’s Day, Christopher and I had a blast watching a baseball game at Wrigley Field. It was fun to see such a historic ballpark and to eat some tasty food!

Because we didn’t have enough Russian food the first time, we met up friends at Shokolad in the Ukrainian Village for some amazing Russian and Ukrainian food.

Speaking of food, I had a Groupon to Geja’s CafĂ© that we were finally able to use in May. I had made five different reservations before we were able to make it to the restaurant, and we ended up having to eat dinner at 9 p.m., so we wouldn’t have to lose the Groupon. We had an amazing time, and I am planning a full blog post on it, but I thought it was a fun example of how crazy and unpredictable intern year could be.

You all know by now that Lake Michigan is my happy place, so we took advantage of a beautiful day on one of Christopher’s days off to spend time by the lake. I have a hard time getting to the lake nowadays, but it’s worth it every time we go.

On Memorial Day weekend, the Gelato World Tour was in town, so we went to Millennium Park to sample all the delicious gelato. I’m going to be real with y’all for a second. If you’ve been wondering how I still manage to walk all over the city when I’m sick, I will say that most of the time, it isn’t pretty, and I end up embarrassing both Christopher and myself. This was one of those times. There’s no reason to go into details, but I couldn’t handle the walk or the long lines when we got to the gelato tastings. Thankfully, Christopher was super sweet and waited in all the lines while I found a bench. I will say that I never regret going out in the end because no matter how hard it is, it is worth it to go out and live.

With only a week left in Chicago, I am so thankful for the memories we have made this year in this beautiful city.


  1. You are amazing-you haven't let intern year OR your health keep you from living your life. I'm hoping that both Christopher's schedule AND your body both get much better soon! xo

  2. Gelato festival sounds wonderful. I'm glad you keep going on as many adventures as you can. I can understand needing a bench right now. Different scenario, but anytime I go out and walk any distance turns into a shuffle shortly as my groin muscles start complaining. Hoping the best for you guys, as always!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This makes me want to go back to Chicago even more. Is it possible to have a love affair with a city that you've only spent probably 48-72 hours in?? I'm glad that you made the most of intern year in Chicago & that despite everything you were able to get out & not only enjoy it but love it!

  5. You had me at Gelato Festival! What fun!! Looks like you have had a great year in the windy city!

  6. That's great that you were able to use your groupon and eat some amazing food! I can't wait to hear all about that restaurant! The Gelato World Tour sounds like such a blast, and Christopher really is so sweet for waiting in all the lines for you! I'm glad that you were able to get some Lake Michigan time in as well!

  7. Sounds like May treated you guys well and I'm glad the weather started to turn and actually be nice. Gelato festival sounds so awesome, my friend went and I only wish I was in town for it! Enjoy your last week in Chicago!

  8. I'm so happy that you still get out and have fun and make memories through your pain. And it's a testament to Chris and your marriage that he helps you out so much. Lastly, that gelato at the end looks like a dream!

  9. I'm so glad you have the willpower and determination to go out and enjoy all the fun Chicago offers. I'm sorry you have to deal with the pain, though :( It sounds like you're living life to the fullest, though!

  10. You really got a whole lot more of Chicago in & I love it. Chicago really is a great place, that's for sure. :)

  11. There's such a thing as the "Gelato World Tour"?! Sign me up! I'm so jealous you went to that one haha.

  12. I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this horrible pain, but I'm so happy that it hasn't stopped you from exploring and enjoying the city - and oh my gosh how quickly did this year fly by! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  13. Such a fabulous city to call home this past year, and you two certainly made the best out of it. Enjoy your last days there as you prepare to go back home <3
    Green Fashionista

  14. So happy to hear you've been able to get out and explore the beauty of Chicago as well as catching a ballgame because that's definitely a must and the river is so peaceful to walk along and explore along with Lake Michigan. The gelato looks amazing!

  15. Even with the health issues you’ve had this past year, I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been able to move forward and enjoy the time you’ve had in chicago.

    liz @ j for joiner

  16. oh my goodness, i am glad you are still getting out and about but i hope you are okay. i mean, i know you aren't well, but still. take care of yourself love :) gelato is great but it's not that great ;)

  17. Only a week left?! Wow! It's crazy that it has flown by so quickly! So glad you had such an exciting May in Chicago! :)

  18. So much yummy food! Varenyky looks just like pierogis! Is it a potato filling? Please tell me there was chocolate to go with that roasted marshmallow! The gelato world tour sounds delicious. I hope you're also taking plenty of time to get some r&r!

  19. I can't believe you only have 1 week left!! These memories will be so fun to have and remember forever :) Chicago seems like such a fun city!

  20. I admire your spirit even during this difficult time for you. I'm glad you're trying to make the most of it, You rock!

  21. I am so in awe of you and your determination to live, despite being so sick. I'm glad you've had such amazing experiences. I really can't believe your time in Chicago is already over!


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