Monday, October 31, 2016

Little River Canyon National Preserve: Fort Payne, Alabama

One of my favorite parts about road trips is getting to stop at interesting destinations along the way. On our Lake Michigan Circle Tour, that meant lighthouses. On our recent road trip to the Smoky Mountains, we were all about beautiful spots with nature and fall foliage.

To get to Tennessee and North Carolina from Texas, we had one long driving day and spent he night in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The goal for the next day was to spend most of it in Chattanooga, Tennessee and get to Gatlinburg in the evening. Chris and I had done tons of research before this trip, and Little River Canyon National Preserve kept popping up when we looked into what to do in Alabama. Since it was on our way from Tuscaloosa to Chattanooga, we knew we had to stop by.

The biggest reason we wanted to visit the preserve was for the Little River Falls. Unfortunately, Alabama has been really dry this year, and the falls were non-existent. It didn’t spoil our fun, though, as we still got to see some pretty fall color and gorgeous views. Plus, we knew there were many waterfalls to come on this trip!

We love mini stops to break up hours of dropping, and Little River Canyon National Preserve was worth a visit. I would love to explore the area more if we ever come that way again.

Do you love mini stops on your road trips? What was one of your favorites?


  1. This is one part of the country that is super close to me, yet I've never made a visit. I need to make that happen! This time of year is the perfect time to go.

  2. So gorgeous!

    You've inspired me to start doing this on my blog. I never really talk about places individually. It's usually just a general of my trips as a whole.

    Happy Monday!

  3. I've never explored any part of Alabama! Those are gorgeous views!

    You inspired me to find some side trips on our beach vacation and we ended up in Charlotte, NC for a few hours this time! It was great!

  4. I love finding little treasures like this on roadtrips! That's a bummer that there weren't a ton of colors yet, but that view is gorgeous even if the trees were still green!

  5. oh bummer about the waterfalls but glad it was still gorgeous anyway. i love mini stops on road trips, especially if they involve food ;) KC is the opposite, he likes to drive as long as possible. boo.

  6. Those fall colours.... perfection.

  7. What a wonderful spot for some leaf peeping!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. I love that area! And that drive is always so fun! I haven't been there in so long. Love the leaves :)

  9. Love finding a mini stop on roadtrips, always so fun. Those leaves are so pretty.

  10. Your pictures are just stunning, great post! Your blog is really lovely, I am so glad I have found it, keep up the wonderful work pretty lady! x

    1. You are so sweet, Adele! Thank you for your kind words! Heading over to check out your blog now. :)

  11. This is such a fun one! I never would have thought that this would be there! So cool when road trips work out that way. I enjoyed stopping in AZ for the Painted Desert. The petrified forest was not my jam, but the desert was pretty. We also did a great stop at the super museum in metropolis, IL this summer. Having a car in Savannah, GA was great too because we could go to little islands nearby! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  12. This place is only 5 hours away from me! I need to go here!


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