The Siberian American: Reflections: Six Months Back in Texas

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Reflections: Six Months Back in Texas

I realized on Monday that I have officially been back in Texas for six months. I’m always in a reflective mood this time of year, so I thought I would share some thoughts on leaving Chicago and life back in Texas.

In some ways, it feels like we have been home forever. So much has happened since we moved back, and honestly, those first few months back are a bit of a blur. In other ways, it feels like we just left. Weren’t we just celebrating the end of intern year? I talked a little in the past about how residency life is weird. It’s hard to stay in the moment when it’s designed to always look ahead. Each rotation is four weeks, so Chris and I are constantly discussing the next rotation and what the schedule will be like. Even so, I’ve been trying to enjoy these last six months with an easier schedule. I’ve mentioned it before, but medical students don’t learn much radiology, so first year radiology residents aren’t prepared to take call by themselves right away. It’s an interesting residency in that Chris has to come home and study for two to three hours a day.

Of course, all of that is about to change. His schedule gets much worse starting in January, and starting in July, he will be doing four months of nights per year. (The medical new year starts in July). All that to say we have really enjoyed the extra time together. He has been off every other weekend, so we have loved exploring where we live.

I do miss Chicago. I definitely don’t miss it as much now when Chicago friends post about negative wind chill, and I really don’t miss the crazy intern year schedule, but I do miss walking to Lake Michigan and constantly finding new places to explore with my love.

One thing Chicago didn’t have, though, is family. We live about an hour and a half from both sets of parents (though they live in opposite directions from us), and it’s been such a blessing to visit my in-laws for the weekend or go to a Russian party at my parents’ house.

I hope y’all have enjoyed my stream of consciousness. I did want to say a quick apology for not reading your blogs or answering comments as much. I haven’t been feeling well barely have the energy to write. I’m planning on catching up after Christmas, though!