I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh
This book started off really slow for me, and I began to wonder what all the hype was about. Then, about 50 percent into the book, it started to pick up, and I read the rest of the book in one sitting. The twists and turns were so well done, and it turned into an interesting and powerful read.
Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult
(c/o NetGalley)
This was a beautifully written and powerful read about a pertinent issue (race relations). Jodi Picoult basically ripped my heart out several times throughout this book, and it has been a long time since I have read a novel that has affected me so much. This book is definitely worth a read-just make sure you're in the mood for something heavy.
The Things We Wish Were True by Marybeth Mayhew Whalen
(c/o NetGalley)
I was surprised by how much I loved this book. There were many narrators, which I usually dislike (I think three is a good max), but I ended up liking every single one of the characters. This is probably the best story I've read about a small town (in this case, just a neighborhood) where every character has a secret.
The Perfect Stranger by Megan Miranda
(c/o NetGalley)
Megan Miranda did it again. Actually, I liked The Perfect Stranger better than her first novel, All The Missing Girls. The main character is complex, and the book is full of many twists and turns. If you like thrillers, this one is worth a read.
From a Paris Balcony by Ella Carey
(c/o NetGalley)
I really enjoyed this historical fiction that revolves around Marthe de Florian's apartment in the current day and the Belle Epoque in the past. After her life falls apart, Sarah heads to Paris to uncover why her relative Louisa committed suicide. The story is interesting and kept me interested. I really liked the ending, too.
The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel
(c/o NetGalley)
The Roanoke Girls was sad and disturbing, but it draws you in and refuses to let go. I was almost disturbed I was that engrossed in it, but the writing is just fantastic. If you don't mind messed up subjects, pick this one up.
Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens
(c/o NetGalley)
This was a good thriller. It was suspenseful, and the twist surprised me (though looking back at it, I'm a little mad at myself for not realizing it). This was my first Chevy Stevens books, but I will definitely be reading more in the future!
The Chilbury Ladies' Choir by Jennifer Ryan
(c/o Blogging for Books)
This is a historical fiction novel of how World War II affected the women of Chilbury. It's an interesting portrayal of how though things drastically changed, some things didn't change. It's strange to call a WWII novel a "light" read, but in some ways this felt like one. Overall, I really enjoyed it and thought it gave good insight into a small town in England during the war.
Favorite reads in February: I Let You Go, Small Great Things, and Never Let You Go.

8 books is awesome-- especially for a shorter month :) I really enjoyed The Things We Wish Were True too and feel like it deserves more attention/talk.
ReplyDeleteThe only book I've read from this list in I Let You Go, and I agree. It took about half the book to really fully become invested in it, but ended up being pretty good!
ReplyDeleteIt's so true! I wish she had made the first half less boring, but she made up for it in the second half!
DeleteI just started I Let You Go, and I'm glad that you said that it took you a while to get into it. It feels a little slow right now. The Things We Wish Were True and From A Paris Balcony both sound like really good books! I'll definitely have to check them out! And 8 books is still a lot, but I know what you mean about not reading as much when on vacation because of how much activity you have going on during the day!
ReplyDeleteI continue to see great things about "The Roanoke Girls." I'm going to have to pick it up.
ReplyDeleteI just read The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. It was so amazing! I think you would really enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteGirl, I can't do those thrillers. Those scare me, haha! But the Chilbury's Lady Choir sounds like a good read! I like historical! :)
ReplyDeleteI've heard that before about The Roanoke Girls but that its so well done. I need to check that out.
ReplyDeleteSmall Great Things sounds like a great read. I love finding new book recommendations to add to my list.
ReplyDeleteThe majority of these books are on my tbr or I've read them. Like always, you and I pretty much agree on the ones we've both read.
ReplyDeleteI love when you share all the books I've never read or heard of before - adding them all to the list! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteWas going to say the same thing as Erin! Most of these I've read or want to! Also I totally didn't expect to love The Things We Wish Were True since it was a Kindle first book for me, but I really did!
ReplyDeleteI was also surprised by how much I liked The Things We Wish Were True.
ReplyDeleteLoved the Roanoke Girls even though I was also like gross, why am I so into this. And I thought this Megan Miranda was better than the first too! We're on the same wavelength.
Okay, I'm glad that I'm not the only who enjoyed The Roanoke Girls but felt a little awkward about liking such a messed up book so much! LOL! I really liked I Let You Go too. It was a slow in the beginning but the somewhat atmospheric, dream-like quality drew me in. And the twist - shocked the heck out of me! Small Great Things is on my TBR but I haven't read it because it's going to rip me apart. Soon! The Perfect Stranger sounds really good - adding it to my TBR.
ReplyDeleteLOL, it's just so true about The Roanoke Girls. The twist in I Let You Go really was shocking! Definitely wait for the right time to read Small Great Things. I think timing is everything with books like that!
DeleteI read a little more in Feb. because we went on trips, ha. I did an audiobook on a long drive and read A TON on the flights because of my weird flight anxiety. Lol
ReplyDeleteAlso, 8 books is NOT a light month. Ha.
All of these seem like winners. Adding some to my list right now!
I am totally impressed with 8 books!! I want to read Small, Great Things. I've seen so many positive reviews of it today!!
ReplyDeletei never read on vacation when i'm actually on the vacation. if that makes sense. unless i'm on a cruise or at a pool. but generally, i only read while flying or in airports or whatever. i'm with you, too tired after doing all the exploring.
ReplyDeletei'm glad you liked i let you go. it was very slow in the beginning but at the halfway point pretty much blew my mind haha.
small great things broke my heart. i had to read it in one night because i couldn't handle having the heavy hang around.
the rest are on my list!
I really need to read Megan Miranda's adult books - you know she has YA titles too?
ReplyDeleteI also need to read some of Picoult's new books, like Small Great Things. Glad you loved it.
I didn't know she had YA titles too! I need to look into that. I love YA. :)
DeleteWe have very similiar reading tastes! I read I Let You Go and Small Great Things last month as well! I added The Things We Wish Were True to my to read list. Roanoke Girls and The Perfect Stranger were already on my to read list. I didn't realize Chevy Stevens had a new book out until I read another post in the link-up that has this book as well. I've read a couple of her books and have enjoyed them.
ReplyDeleteWe do have similar reading tastes. :) I hope you like The Things We Wish Were True if you read it. This was my first Chevy Stevens book, but it won't be my last!
DeleteI just recommended I Let You Go to a coworker and she started complaining because it started off slow. Luckily she kept reading and flew through the rest of the book too!
ReplyDeleteIt is a hard one to recommend because of how long it takes to get into it, but I am so glad your coworker stuck with it and liked it!
DeleteI have The Things You Keep, The Roanoke Girls AND The Perfect Stranger on my Kindle bookshelf! Looks I need to get to them STAT! I anjoyed Megan Miranda's first one too, so Perfect Stranger will probably be the first one I tackle. I read Still Missing by Chevy Stevens and really enjoyed all the twists and turns the story took, and Never Let You Go sounds like it would keep me guessing too, so adding that one to the TBR.
ReplyDeleteI loved I Let You Go and recently loaned it to my hairdresser (I know she'll return it lol) to read. I'm still waiting on my library to get The Roanoake Girls, and I've had The Things We Wish Were True on my Kindle since before its release and still haven't read it. I need to get to that one, from the looks of your thoughts on it.
ReplyDeleteThe Things We Wish Were True is definitely worth reading! I had it on my Kindle forever too because I got it from NetGalley and am so glad I finally read it!
DeleteI felt the same way about I Let You Go! The Chevy Stevens book looks interesting. May have to check it out sometime!
ReplyDeleteAdding The Things We Wish Were True to my list! I Let You Go is already in it. I saw Roanoke Girls on Blogging for Books and was intrigued but didn't grab it, maybe I will now.
ReplyDeleteNever Let You Go is on my list! Adding The Things We Wish Were True!
ReplyDeleteIt seems like you read a lot of great ones! I have the Chilbury Ladies Choir one on my list too! As well as The Roanoke Girls. It takes place in Kansas which makes me want to read it. HAH XO - Alexandra
ReplyDeleteSimply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
I'm currently reading Never Let You Go and, like all of her books, it is addicting.
ReplyDeleteRoanoke Girls is in my NetGalley queue (even though it already had its pub date) and I cannot say enough good things about SGT.
Loved SGT and Miranda's first book. I'm glad to hear that her second was even better. I LOVE Chevy Stevens. I just got three of her books in the mail. I've read That Night and Still Missing and liked them both.