Friday, March 10, 2017

Five Things I Want to Share

Happy Friday, friends! Usually I really struggle with the week after vacation, but this week has been good! I think it has a lot to do with the absolutely lovely weather we have been having lately. Sadly, it’s coming to an end with a bunch of rain today and this weekend, but I really enjoyed it while it lasted. Today, I thought I would share some random things on my mind. I’ve seen a lot of bloggers mention how that’s not the point of blogging anymore, but it can be. I know I always love posts with random thoughts.

Does anyone else feel like 2017 is the year of weddings? I feel like almost every weekend from May to August is filled with a wedding. I’m not complaining, and I’m super happy for everyone, but it’s just crazy.

Does anyone else miss their spouse a bunch after vacation, or am I just strange? Chris is my very best friend, and I love spending time with him, so it’s always hard going from seeing each other all the time on vacation to having to work.

I can’t remember if I mentioned it on my blog before or not, but International Women’s Day is a much bigger deal in Russia than it is here. Chris and I don’t do much to celebrate it (especially since Valentine’s Day is less than a month before that), but this year Chris surprised me with flowers, and it just made my heart happy. I’m just so thankful for my love.

Spring is my least favorite month in Texas (severe weather season), but I am actually looking forward to it this year. There are so many fun things going on the next few months, so hopefully the weather won’t put a damper on things.

Chris and I are also trying to spend as much time together as possible. He is about to start four weeks of a somewhat easier rotation, but then he works basically every day and weekend from April to July (maybe longer, we haven’t gotten his schedule after July 4 yet. He’s working the 4th this year, which is a bummer, but a lot better than some of the other holidays he could have gotten). There is actually a point where he works 18 days straight without a single break. Neither one of us is looking forward to that (and next medical new year which starts in July should be much harder), so right now we are making an extra effort to spend time together.

Anyone else have a million weddings this year? Are you looking forward to spring?


  1. I love that Chris got you flowers for International Women's Day and I can totally relate to how you feel about missing so much time together after you get back from a trip.

  2. I feel like we have a few weddings, and then everyone else is having babies. Seriously I know 4 people who had babies just last month. Something must be in the water! :P I can totally relate to missing your spouse post vacation. I miss KC like crazy even after an evening or two where we are really busy with other people. hahah We're both like... not enough quality time! LOL That's so sweet that Chris got you flowers! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  3. I've got a few weddings coming up (one tonight even!) and I'm super excited!! And, I miss my husband when I've had crazy work schedules and don't feel like we've spent as much time together... so I totally get that!! I love that Chris surprised you on Wednesday! Too sweet!!

  4. Ugh, 18 days straight?! That sounds so rough. I'll be thinking of you guys as you head into this exhausting time.

  5. That is so very sweet your Chris got you flowers! He is a total keeper! You are very lucky girl!

  6. That is so sweet that he surprised you with flowers!!

  7. I always miss the fact that we spent a lot of time together on vacation once we get back home. And even though you have a lot of bad weather during the spring, try to enjoy the nice temps too! Plus spring means bluebonnets in Texas!

  8. Its funny how weddings are like that sometimes - like rabbits multiplying :)
    Enjoy that time together. 18 days without a break? That's just cruel.

  9. Aww glad you are enjoying some quality time and your post-vacation week went well too!! We had a few years with tons of weddings, but now most of our cousins and friends are married so we just have one this year (but it's my husband's sister, so pretty involved, haha).

  10. I am definitely looking forward to Spring, but really just more consistent weather! We definitely have a ton of weddings this year as well too, excited, but overwhelmed! We had very minimal last year, besides our own of course so it's definitely gonna be different. Hope you guys get some serious quality time before the next medical year :)!

  11. Happy Friday! I always enjoy random thoughts and I'm a firm believer in your blog can be whatever space you would like it to be. There are too many do this and don't do that posts that make everything feel so unauthentic anymore. Anyway, I am the same way and coming back from vac actually makes me appreciate my husband more and want to spend extra time with him. That's so nice he surprised you with flowers! I have to be honest, I never really paid much attention to the day but social media made me more aware of it this year. I hope you have a great weekend! Beautifully Candid

  12. I dread spring in Texas too. We have such horrible storms each year, so I am hoping they are minimal this year!

  13. Spring in Texas is actually my favorite time of year. Winter is always so inconsistent, and I LOVE bluebonnets!

  14. I hope the weather won't get in your way. :)
    Happy month of March!

  15. So sweet he gave you flowers! It's always interesting how different cultures and countries celebrate the same holidays differently.

    Also, I totally get what you mean about missing your spouse after you get back from vacation! Christopher and I are like that too!

  16. i totally miss KC after vacation. like we just spent all this time together and you want to go and do something like work? on your own? without me? haha. i have 0 weddings this year. hahaha.

  17. It's so sweet that he got you flowers for International Women's Day!


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