Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Happy Sixth Birthday Skyler: Fun Facts About Our Pup

Today, Skyler turns six. That’s such a crazy sentence for me to type. We’ve had her since she was a puppy, so it’s hard to believe my sweet pup is already six. Last year, I wrote a whole post filled with facts about her, but in honor of her birthday, I thought I would include a few more.

I think it’s funny she was born on International Women’s Day because that really fits her personality. She’s such a sassy (but super sweet) little lady.

Her favorite foods are a toss up between peas and applesauce. We don’t give her a lot of human food, but she does get some fruits and veggies.

We love taking her to my in-laws’ house because they have a large backyard, and she gets to run around as much as she wants. Her favorite is when we chase her.

She loves the sun. If there is a sun spot in the house, I know exactly where to find her. She also loves the wind. If we’re walking outside, and it’s windy, she’ll randomly stop and enjoy the wind going through her fur.

I know everyone thinks their dog is smart, but Sky really surprises me sometimes. The most hilarious thing she has figured out is that when I go to put on pants, it means she’s going outside. I work from home and Chris takes her out when he leaves in the morning, so I usually put on pants for the first time in the morning to take her out.

She absolutely loves the snow. When we were living in Chicago, she would get super excited whenever there was snow on the ground and would spend forever running around in it.

All the snow we got in Texas this year.
She loves her crate. We rarely make her go in it anymore, but I will randomly find her sleeping in it throughout the day.

I love this one because it looks like she took a selfie! 
Happy sixth birthday, Sky Sky! We love you so much!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SKYLER!! My Lylee-Bear will be 6 in June!
    I love, love, love that picture of her enjoying the sunshine. Our babes love to curl up in the sun :) Ly reacts excitedly when I change into athletic shorts after work, ha. She thinks she's getting a walk. I really threw her for a loop last night, though. I put on athletic shorts to give them a bath. Lol.

  2. She sounds like such a sweet and sassy personality! Definitely well suited to be born on International Women's Day! Happy 6th birthday to her, hope she has a fabulous day!

  3. Oh fun! I didn't know that you had a dog! She's so cute! Happy birthday to her! I love how much dogs like snow! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  4. She is just so cute... reminds me of a blond fox.
    Happy Birthday beautiful girl.

  5. Happy birthday to Sky! It really is funny to see how much they grow when you've had them since they were puppies! Dart loves to sun himself too, so I bet that he and Skyler would get along great!

  6. Oh she's such a cutie! and the perfect size. We're hoping that Teddy will calm down a bit.

  7. Her face in the wind is just the cutest!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Aw Skylar sounds like a sweet and intuitive pup! Happy 6th birthday to her!

  9. Skyler is the sweetest! I want a puppy just like her!

  10. She is the cutest!! Happy birthday, sweet girl!

  11. All of these pics are just gorgeous! I love posts about fur babies.

  12. Aww that last picture is awesome!! Happy (belated) birthday to your pup! :)


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