The Siberian American: How I Told Chris About Baby

Friday, July 14, 2017

How I Told Chris About Baby

Happy Friday, friends! Fridays are even more special to me during pregnancy because they’re the beginning of a new week. Today, I’m 25 weeks pregnant, and I’m finally feeling great after that nasty cold I got from Chris last week! I’m definitely showing these days, and our little guy is constantly moving. I had no idea how much I would love feeling his movements! I’ll write out a full second trimester update after our trip (I can’t believe we are leaving in a little over a week!), but today I wanted to share the story of how I told Chris I was pregnant. I always love reading these stories on other blogs, so I thought it would be fun to document my own!

Walking back from dinner on the day we found out. We were so excited!
I had always wanted to come up with some fun, creative way to tell Chris I was pregnant. Honestly, I thought I would have plenty of time to come up with an idea, but, as I mentioned in my first post about our little one, we got pregnant right away, and I had to think fast.

I found out on February 17, and on Valentine’s Day, Chris had written me a poem. I decided to play off that and wrote a short “poem” to tell him about the baby. I put it together, printed it out, and did whatever I could to kill time waiting for him to come home from the hospital. When he called me to say he was on the way, he asked if he should go to the grocery store on the way, and I told him to just come home because we had leftovers (with the full intention of going out to eat to celebrate the news).

When he got home, I told him I had decided to write him a poem since he had written one for Valentine’s Day and apologized that it was late. I started filming him as he was about to read it, which he thought was weird but figured it was because I’m crazy about documenting things. Here’s what the paper I gave him said:

Life with you is the greatest adventure 
I treasure every moment, big and small 
The only thing better than having you as my husband 
Will be seeing you as a daddy 
I’m so excited to meet Baby Ball!

He jumped when he saw the last line and asked me if I had taken a test. I told him I had and showed it to him (side note: I only took two tests that whole day. As soon as I saw those two pink lines the first time, I was confident it was real.). He gave me a big hug, and then, like the doctor he is, told me not to get too excited because it could be a false positive. We went out for our favorite sunset fajitas to celebrate, and it was honestly the very best first day of knowing we had a baby on the way!

Soon I'll share the stories of how we told both sets of parents!