My best friend’s bachelorette party was this weekend! I picked the Omni Dallas as the location, and it was the perfect place for it! The view of the skyline from the pool deck was just stunning, especially at sunset. One of my favorite parts of the party was an “Only in Dallas” food tour! I liked it so much that I will be writing a post about it soon.
I am now officially at less than two months from my due date! I’m definitely uncomfortable and have a lot of trouble sleeping, but overall, I’m doing really well. Our temperatures dropped a lot this weekend, so I’ve been taking advantage of that and going on several walks. We get to see our baby boy on an ultrasound on Friday, and I’m super excited because it’s the first time we’ve seen him since our gender ultrasound.
I’ve been on another reading roll after quite the lull in July. It has a lot to do with my lack of sleep, but it’s been so nice to read more recently, and I’m excited to share my latest reads with y’all soon!
With everything going on lately, I totally missed the fact that college football starts this week, and the NFL will start soon too. I’m only participating in one fantasy football league this year since I will have a newborn soon, but I’m still super excited for the best time of the year.
This time of year (the summer to fall transition) makes me want to buy all the clothes, so I'm pretty thankful I don't know what my size will be after pregnancy, so I can save money! I did buy some more flowy dresses to get me through the next few months, though.
Now it's your turn! What's going on in your life?