The Siberian American: Welcome to the World, Anthony!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Welcome to the World, Anthony!

Our sweet Anthony Christopher was born on October 20 at 3:46 a.m. He weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces and was 21 inches long. We are so in love!
I was in labor for 24 hours after being diagnosed with severe preeclampsia. We were discharged on Tuesday, October 24, only to rush to the ER five hours later with a 106 degree fever and be diagnosed with a kidney infection. We were finally able to go home on Saturday, October 28. I will share more of the story later, but that's why I have been MIA-soaking in all the adorable newborn cuddles and recovering from all the post-partum problems. We are so thankful for our healthy, adorable baby boy! I'm going to take a little more time off blogging, but I'll be back soon with more stories and photos!


  1. Congratulations- he looks so precious! I can only imagine how scary that must have been, but am so glad you guys are both doing well!

  2. Awe! Congratulations, Oyla! So happy fro you and your new family. Hope you feel better soon. Can't wait to hear more about sweet Anthony.

  3. CONGRATS! He's adorable! Sorry to hear about the post pregnancy problem but happy you are on the mend!

  4. Congrats!! He is seriously precious. Love that cute little smile!! :) So sorry to hear about all the problems - hopefully the rest of recovery isn't so bad.

  5. Congratulations! I am glad that you were discharged and are hopefully feeling much better now! :) Enjoy your time off and loving on your sweet little guy! :) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  6. Congratulations!!! He is so precious!! I hope you both are doing well. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that but I am so glad you and baby boy are ok. Have a great weekend! Sierra ~ Beautifully Candid

  7. oh congratulations Olya! He's absolutely perfect :)

    Midwest Darling

  8. Congratulations! He is darling!

  9. He's perfect. :) SO glad you are okay. I'm sure that was all very overwhelming!! Take care of you and that sweet babe!

  10. He’s so incredibly adorable and I’m so happy that you both are healthy now. I️ can’t even imagine how scary that must have been to have to rush back to the hospital, especially after dealing with all of the normal post partum stuff! I️ can’t wait to hear more!

  11. He's gorgeous mama! Hope you are feeling better!

  12. Congratulations, Olya!!! He's amazing!!
    And take all the time you need recovering and soaking in that baby love!! Glad you're doing a little better! <3

  13. Congratulations!! Glad you are both doing well now!

  14. congrats again! glad you are doing better. he is beautiful!

  15. I am so happy for you! Sorry you had so many problems but so happy to hear you're both okay! <3

  16. I'm so happy for you guys and so glad Anthony is here and everyone is okay! I'm sorry you ended up ill for a while but I hope you're feeling better now.

  17. Congratulations!! He is perfect! How wonderful!


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