Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Let’s Have a Coffee Date: Newborn Edition

I’m amazed at all of those bloggers out there who write with a newborn. I’ve been so eager to start writing again, but I haven’t managed to do it between taking care of Anthony and some big editing projects. I thought I would start off with a coffee date to share some tidbits of life with Anthony.

I can’t believe Anthony is two months old today! It has truly been the longest and shortest months of my life. It’s amazing how much love you instantly feel when they put your baby on your chest for the first time. Life with a newborn isn’t easy, but it’s just so worth it.

Chris has had the craziest schedule since Anthony was born. I mentioned in my last pregnancy post I had a feeling Anthony would be born while Chris was on nights, and he was. One of his friends covered two nights for him (he had to take vacation time for those and still has to make them up to her), but he’s been basically working a bunch since those first few days. His schedule was completely different each day, except for the three weeks of nights he has had in the last eight weeks. He just did two weeks of nights in a row, so I spent them at my parent’s house. Living close to my parents during residency has been a huge blessing, as I’m not sure I would have handled the nights well without mom around. She has helped me so much, and I am so thankful for her.

Anthony has been showing a lot of interest in his toys lately and loves to smile and laugh these days. He especially loves anything musical and will “dance” if you play one of his musical toys. I love watching him discover new things.

He has also given me one five to six hour stretch at night for the last few days. I’m praying he keeps it up because it really makes me feel like a new person. I basically laugh at myself for any time I felt I was tired before having Anthony—this is just a whole new level of tired. I really had no idea how difficult it would be.

As I mentioned in Anthony’s birth announcement, my recovery was a bit on the difficult side. Thankfully, I am feeling significantly better. There have been a few things that have popped up here and there, but overall, I am doing well.

The holiday season has taken on a whole new meaning with a newborn around. Thinking back to how difficult Christmas was for me last year, I’m so grateful for the blessing of this new life. I wish I could go back and tell that girl sobbing on Christmas Eve that she would have a two-month old in her arms this Christmas. God is so good!

Soon, I’m hoping to share Anthony’s birth story and some of his newborn photos with y’all. Thank you so much for bearing with me as I adjust to life as a mama. I am hoping to get back to my regular posting schedule in 2018!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Six Books I Read in October and November

Hi, friends! I’ve been in the mood to write for weeks, but after an extended hospital stay, Christopher’s crazy schedule (more on that soon), and adjusting to being a first-time Mama, I have barely opened my computer. I’ll be back soon with some updates on seven-week-old (!!) Anthony, but today I wanted to share some of my recent reads. Like with writing, I didn’t read much during the first month of Anthony’s life, but I’ve gotten into the habit of reading while I’m feeding him, so hopefully I’ll have more to share next month! I mostly wanted to read cute, fluffy Christmas reads, so I have a few of those. I’m finally reading my first thriller in a long time this week and am excited to share about it soon!

Summer at the Little French Guesthouse by Helen Pollard
(c/o NetGalley)
When I started reading this book, I didn't realize it was the third book in a trilogy. That's my fault, though, and it didn't change the book for me. I was a little discouraged about the lack of conflict until close to the end of the book-I feel like it could have been introduced earlier. That said, it was still a cute read, and I really liked the setting!

Castle of Dreams by Elise McCune
(c/o NetGalley)
I enjoyed this book, even though it was a little slow at times and definitely a bit predictable. I liked all the characters, especially the ones in the present story. It's not the best World War II historical fiction I've ever read, but I liked that it was a little different, as it was based in Australia.

Snowflakes, Iced Cakes and Second Chances by Sue Watson
(c/o NetGalley)
This was a sweet Christmas story about misperceptions and second chances. It did feel a little redundant at times, but overall was a good read.

The Wildling Sisters by Eve Chase
(c/o NetGalley)
I enjoyed Eve Chase's Black Rabbit Hall, so I was excited to read The Wildling Sisters. It started off really interesting, but the middle really dragged for me. The ending was really good, though, and I enjoyed the book overall. Black Rabbit Hall was better, but I would definitely read another Eve Chase book.

Mr. Dickens and His Carol: A Novel by Samantha Silva
(c/o NetGalley)
This story is a fictionalized account of Charles Dickens and his state of mind while writing A Christmas Carol. For such a short book, it did drag a few times, but overall, I enjoyed it. It's a nice book to read during the holiday season!

We'll Always Have Christmas by Jenny Hale
(c/o NetGalley)
I was in the mood for a fluffy Christmas story, and that's what I got. You know what you're getting when you read stories like this-as an editor, I get frustrated with some of the sentence structure, but it was a sweet read for the holiday season.

Favorite reads in October & November: The Wildling Sisters and Mr. Dickens and His Carol

Linking up with Steph & Jana.

I love book suggestions. What have you read lately?