Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My Word for 2018

Last year was the first year I ever had a word of the year. I wasn’t really planning on it, but it had gotten stuck in my head and had turned out to be the perfect word for 2017. I was hopeful for everything the year would bring, and 2017 turned out to be so wonderful. I will forever treasure that year. The same thing happened to me this year. I wasn’t even thinking of having a word of the year for 2018, but one word just kept popping into my head over and over again.

That word is joy. There are definitely good days and bad days in parenting, but I hope to find joy in every single day with our little man. Anthony is so full of joy. He is full of smiles and squeals these days. I can’t even begin to explain the joy I feel when he gives me a big smile first thing in the morning when I go to pick him up, even when that morning wake-up time is sometimes 5:30 a.m. I have always wanted to be a mother, and, honestly, I have been truly thankful for every day with him so far. I really hope to continue to find joy in our daily life as I watch him grow!


  1. Oh I love this. Being a mother is such a joy and not everyone gets to experience that. It's the small things in life that matter the most.

  2. This is the perfect word for this year! It can be pretty tough and tiring being a parent but when you take a step back it is mostly filled with joy. Plus who can resist those baby smiles!

  3. I love seeing what everyone's word for the year is, even though I never pick one. Joy seems very fitting for this stage of your life! I wish you all the best in 2018!

  4. A perfect word for you this year, new mama!! Anthony is definitely going to help you realize this word every single day :)

  5. Such a great word! Joy is perfect! It happens to be my middle name :) This year is going to be filled with so much joy for you. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  6. Best word ever. For the best reason ever. Cheers to 2018!


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