Monday, March 12, 2018

Four Books I Read in February

Hey, friends! Once again, it's my favorite day of the month. I had a really slow reading month, partially because the lack of sleep really caught up to me, but it was also because I got stuck on a book I really didn't like. I'll share more about it in my reviews, but I really need to learn to abandon books I don't like. I keep reading with the hope that they will get better (and this one did a little), but really there are too many good books in this world to spend time reading bad ones!

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
There's not much left to say about this book that others haven't already said. I took so long to read it because I was supposed to get an ARC when it first came out, but it never showed up, so I was grumpy about it. LOL. This book had a great pace, and the characters were all interesting. I really liked how it ended, too.

The Room on Rue Amelie by Kristin Harmel
(c/o NetGalley)
I read a lot of World War II historical fiction-at least several books a year. This is my first one for 2018. This one was very good, but it does not make my list of favorites. The pace was good, and I read it quickly, but even though it was heartbreaking, I felt like I was missing out on some of the emotion that could have been there. I did like all the characters and would still recommend it to those who like WWII historical fiction.

The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin 
(c/o NetGalley)
A lot of people will like this book. I am not one of them. It was written well, but it was so boring to me. A few times I got frustrated with myself that I was still reading it. That said, I'm glad I finished it because Vasrya's section was the best part of the book for me.

Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh 
(c/o First to Read)
I actually really liked this book. I do think it was just trying too hard to throw in twists at first, but several of the twists toward the end were done well. It took me a bit to get into the book (same as I Let You Go), but it turned out to be worth it. I will say there is a loose end at the end that bothers me a bit.

Favorite reads in February: Big Little Lies and Let Me Lie.

Linking up with Steph & Jana.

I love book suggestions. What have you read lately?


  1. I have had Big Little Lies for so long now! Marie from Twin Living actually mailed it to me last year & I still haven't read it. I actually just picked it up off my closet floor yesterday when I was cleaning it & thought "when I finish The Girl on the Train I need to read this!"

  2. Bummer that you didn’t love The Immortalists! That’s about book club selection for the month, but I haven’t gotten it from the library yet. And I really loved I Let You Go so I’ll have to give Let Me Lie a chance!

  3. I just read Big Little Lies last month too. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only on who put it off until after it was huge. I have The Immortalists coming from the library, but your review makes me nervous.

  4. I had the same issue, being stuck on a book I didn't like. I would have ditched it but I was reading it for a challenge.

  5. I loved Big Little Lies & I do plan on trying other books by that author, I just haven't gotten that far yet. Soon though, soon. :)

  6. I watched Big Little Lies but never read the book. I usually end up liking the book better so this is definitely on my list. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  7. I really enjoyed reading Big Little Lies as well. I'll have to add Let Me Lie to my wish list. Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  8. I loved big little lies and so many of her books as well! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. Always love these posts! I also love how 4 books in one month is a slow month for you! I need to stop watching TV and get more reading done!

  10. I’m waiting on Let Me Lie from the library. I’ll be looking for the dangle at the end!

  11. I loved I Let You Go so I'm definitely interested in reading Let Me Lie.

  12. It's amazing how one bad book, or a book that's not for you, can slow your reading down. Like you need time to recover.

  13. Yay so glad you loved Big Little Lies! It was one of the more intense reading experiences I've had in the past couple of good.

  14. Learning to DNF a book I am not enjoying was a struggle for me. It's so hard to give up on them sometimes.

  15. I've gotten a lot better with DNFing a book that just doesn't work for me - I have way too many other books to read to struggle for too long. hah I still want to read Big Little Lies, and see the show!


  16. I haven't read or watched Big Little Lies yet but I definitely want to read it before I watch it. I also want to read Let Me Lie.

  17. I used to try and stick it through with books but now I just stop. Sometimes you hope it will get better and it doesnt and you wasted time you could have been reading a great book.

  18. Big Little Lies is excellent! I have only read one of her other books, and I enjoyed it a lot.

  19. if you learn how to abandon books you don't like, let me know because i seriously don't know how. i read 3 books last month that i really really disliked, why didn't i quit them?! i feel like i don't want to waste my time, i want it to 'count' but i am wasting time reading bad books. ugh.
    yay big little lies!
    The Room on Rue Amelie is on my kindle, glad you liked it.
    sucks about The Immortalists - it's on my list so maybe i'll give it a go one day, maybe not.

  20. Bummed your didn't enjoy The Immortalists. I really loved it and Varysa was my favorite story too, although I bawled through Simon's and had to take a break after Klara's because massive gut punch. Daniel's was the only one that I didn't really like. But I do know how a bad book can kill your book mojo. And sometimes a good book can too, oddly enough. Like I have to sit and think about it for some time before I can move on. I loved I Let You Go and hated I See You and felt deeply burned by that story. I'm not sure if I can read her latest. I also struggle to DNF a book. I want to and know I should but I keep thinking maybe it will get better. And it rarely does.

  21. The Immortalists is on my TBR list. I don't remember why I added it or who recommended it...
    Big Little Lies looks super interesting to me, but I don't know if I should read the book or watch the mini-series or both (or which order!), lol.

  22. The Room on Rue was already on my to-read list. I just added Let Me Lie to my to read list. I really liked Big Little Lies, I think it's my favorite of hers.

  23. After watching the series, I really want to read Big Little Lies!

  24. I really liked I Let You Go, so I'll definitely tried Let Me Lie as soon as I get a chance!

  25. Let Me Lie is on my list. I love loose ends/ambiguity in books, so I think I'll really like this one!

    I really liked Big Little Lies when I read it.

    I also read The Immortalists last month, but I definitely felt differently about it. I wouldn't say I loved it (which was disappointing, because I definitely thought I would) ... But I liked it enough to give it a 4 star rating. I actually didn't like Varya's section that much (or Daniel's, for that matter), but I loved reading about Simon and Klara. Simon was the only character that got any real emotional response from me.

    I wish I could quit books as well. I always keep going, even when I know it's not getting any better. Why do we do this to ourselves? On the upside, sometimes writing a bad review can be fun/interesting. Haha.

  26. In the past I've definitely stuck with books that I didn't love to see if they would get better. But I've had way less time to read lately so if I start a book I don't love then I am much faster to stop reading it. I've done that with two books this year so far already (which is pretty much unheard of for me). I agree that there are too many good books out there to waste time on books we don't like!

  27. Oh Big little Lies was such a great book. I did enjoy the show but thought the book was better.

  28. Let Me Lie sounds interesting. I liked I Let You Go, so perhaps I'll give this one a go, too. I keep looking at Big Little Lies, but haven't gone there yet. Actually, I think I have the audiobook of The Husband's Secrets, so I should really listen to it first since I already own it.

  29. I enjoyed Big Little Lies, the book and series. I have the Immortalists on my tbr. There have been very mixed opinions on that one. Hope you and Anthony are getting sleep. Pam :)

  30. Ugh I hate it when you get stuck reading something that is slow, or for whatever reason. It's such a slog! Glad you overall enjoyed your reads in February though! BLL was entertaining for me. I definitely liked the book better. The show is a little bit stark for me. But it was extremely well acted. So that's a thing. I've been requesting like crazy on Netgalley and not getting tons of books. :( Hopefully soon! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

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