The Siberian American

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Top Five Things to Do in Washington, D.C. Erica Style

Hey everyone, today I am heading off to California for a week, and while I am gone I have four great guest posts for you! Today, I have Erica from Looking for the Stars sharing her top five things to do in Washington, D.C. I haven't been to our nation's capital, but I have always wanted to go! I can't wait to use Erica's list when we visit!

 First of all I would like to say a big thank you to Olya for the honor of guest posting here. Since Olya is big into travel she suggested that I share about some of my favorite things to do in Washington, D.C ~ Our Nation's Capital! After going to school in Northern Virginia and being super close to DC for three years and then the last almost four years, I think I'm pretty qualified.  

Here are my Top 5 Things to Do in Washington, D.C.

5. The Botanical Gardens
If you want to see some beautiful flowers and interesting plants then this is the place to go. It is a HUGE structured green house right near the Capital Building. It's basically a big jungle and it is awesome!
 photo Olya1_zpsqlaw1ofy.jpg
{full post here}

 4.  National Cherry Blossom Festival Around this time every year the Cherry Blossom trees are in full bloom. They are absolutely beautiful!  Each year, the National Cherry Blossom Festival celebrates spring in Washington, DC, the gift of the cherry blossom trees, and the enduring friendship between the people of the United States and Japan. The Festival produces and coordinates daily events featuring diverse and creative programming promoting traditional and contemporary arts and culture, natural beauty, and community 
 Looking to the Stars Cherry Blossom Festival photo Olya2_zpss3jurkoz.jpg Looking to the Stars Jefferson Memorial photo Olya3_zpsojxvoqo7.jpg
The Cherry Blossom Trees wrap around the tidal basin which then put you at the Jefferson Memorial! {full post here}

 3. Tour of the White House This was probably one of the coolest things to do. However, it's tricky to get in the White House. Usually you need to write your Governor at least three weeks in advance. I was lucky enough to know someone that worked at the White House and my family and I were given a private tour. Looking to the Stars White House Press Room photo Olya4_zpsyreytbuf.jpg
The White House Press Room...It looks a lot different on House of Cards and Scandal! Looking to the Stars West Wing photo Olya5_zps7nvogy89.jpg
Entrance to the West Wing with the Presidential Seal above the door. {full post here}

 2. The National American History Museum This is definitely one of favorite places. There is so much to see in this museum. Above all, my most favorite thing was the Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz.  photo Olya6_zpsm64a7tbe.jpg
My next favorite thing about the National American History Museum was seeing Julia Child's Kitchen. It's her ACTUAL kitchen from real life. It was so amazing to see. I loved it. Did you know that the movie Julie & Julia is what got me started in blogging? I started my first blog, Diaries of a Bookworm, right after I saw that movie. That blog didn't really go anywhere, but Looking to the Stars is here and here to stay!  photo Olya7_zpsgrs92p2w.jpg
{first post here | second post here}

1. Monument Tour at Night This is what I recommend the most to do! Seeing the monuments during the day is one thing, but at night it's totally different and so beautiful.
  photo Olya8_zpska1ddmsf.jpg Looking to the Stars Lincoln Memorial photo Olya9_zpsktkkvroj.jpg
 The Lincoln Memorial is my favorite, because Abe is my favorite president! {full post here}

 I hope you enjoyed my Washington, D.C. extravaganza and thank you for reading along. Thanks again to Olya for giving me the chance to reach her readers and I hope you choose to follow along with me at Looking to the Stars

 All material © Erica Musyt

Monday, March 23, 2015

Match Day Results: We Are Moving To…

Friday was one of the longest and hardest days I have had in a long time. We had been waiting to find out for so long, had discussed and prayed about so many different scenarios, that when we got the result, and it was nothing close to any of the scenarios, we were shocked.

Honestly, part of me did not want to post today. I had imagined writing this post so many times before Match Day, and I thought I would be oozing with excitement. Over the past few days, the initial shock has turned into feeling overwhelmed. That being said, we know God has a plan for our future, and this is all a part of His plan.

Our hope had been to stay in Dallas for another year, which would have given us time to figure out a possible move and allow me to stay at my job while Chris was doing his intern year. Instead, we are moving to Chicago in two months for one year…and then moving back to Dallas for radiology residency.

I’m sure you can tell by now that these weren’t our top choices, but we are really looking forward to being in Dallas for residency. Even though it wasn’t our top choice, match is very regional (every single person picked for our top choice was from that state), so we knew it wasn’t likely. Chris is excited to be working for a top program in brand new hospitals. Plus, we will be close to both of our families, which is huge for us.

As thankful as we are to stay in Dallas for residency, when we opened the envelope on Friday, we barely glanced at the residency destination. Moving to Chicago for a year was a huge shock for us. Now that we have had time to process it, we are excited for the adventure. Even so, I am heartbroken to leave my job when we will be moving back to Dallas just a year later. I have no idea what I am going to do in Chicago for a year (because I don’t feel good about applying for jobs knowing I could only work there for a year). We have to figure out where we are living as soon as possible…and how much we are going to bring with us since we will be back.

On the other hand, I am excited to explore a new city and the area around it. I can’t wait to try new restaurants, and I am already coming up with road trips we could go on the few occasions Chris isn’t working 100 hours a week.

I am so thankful for our trip to California so we can take time to celebrate Christopher’s upcoming graduation before the madness starts! Thank you so much for your support during the Match Day process, friends, and I can’t wait to share our moving progress.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Favorites: It’s Match Day!

Happy Friday, friends! And more importantly for Chris and me—Happy Match Day! Today, at 11 a.m., we finally get that pretty little envelope that says where we are headed for residency. We have been waiting for this moment since September when he submitted his applications, so it is crazy that it is finally here!

I tried to think of five favorites today, but my brain is currently Match Day mush, so my list looked like this:

One. Match Day. 
Two. Match Day. 
Three. Match Day. 
Four. Match Day. 
Five. Match Day.

I am so nervous and excited that other thoughts are hard to come by. We are going to spend this weekend processing and on Monday, I will share more about Match Day and where we’re headed.

Thank you so much for your support during this crazy time in our lives! I know many of you are eager to find out where we’re headed, so if you leave me a comment, I will e-mail you back with the location.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Linking up with AmandaKarli, and the High Five for Friday girls.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Currently: March 2015

I have been wanting to do one of these currently posts for a while, and I thought today would be a good time to do it. I have some new readers (hi everyone!), and honestly, my brain is mush with Match Day coming up, so I thought it would be fun for y’all to get to know me a little better.

Friday can’t come soon enough. I have been in a mood to plan lately, so I can’t wait to know where we’re headed.

Chris and I made a lemon shrimp pasta with vodka sauce tonight. It is one of our favorite go-to meals—easy to make and so delicious!

Excited and nervous. Nervous and excited. Multiply that by about a thousand, and that’s me right now.

I just finished Hausfrau, and it was so sad and draining. It feels like all the books I’ve read recently are sad, so if you have any happy book suggestions, send them my way!

The first play-in game for March Madness. I love college basketball, and March Madness is one of my favorite times of the year. Sic ‘em Bears!

All things spring! I have been shopping for dresses for our California trip and am obsessing over all the pretty spring colors.

Thankful for: 
My sweet husband! I am so proud of how hard he has worked in medical school and can’t wait to see him fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor!

For our number one choice on Friday! Only two more days to go!

Monday, March 16, 2015

New Year’s Caribbean Cruise: Belize River Cruise

After our New Year’s Eve celebrations the night before, our 6 a.m. wakeup call for our all-day shore excursion in Belize came way too early. Even so, I was excited to go on a river cruise and visit the Lamanai Mayan Ruins.

The tender to Belize City from our ship was long (about 25 minutes), but our excursion was through the boat, so we were on one of the first tenders of the day. (I have heard others complaining about not being able to get on an early tender if your excursion is not through the ship, so we kept that in mind).
We jumped off our tender boat and got straight on a bus headed to the river. On the bus, our guide shared facts about Belize, such as its education system, places to visit, and biggest exports. I was surprised to hear that Belize has a large Mennonite community that is a huge factor in the country’s economy.
After over an hour on the bus, we were eager to get on the boat. When I first read the description for the river cruise, I thought it would be a leisurely boat ride to the ruins. It turned out to be a 25-mile speedboat ride with many narrow passages, with our boat tilting to the left or right just to squeeze through the passage.
Our boat driver was entertaining but also prided himself on being the wildest of the group. He loved taking fast corners and passing as many boats as possible. The other drivers knew this about him, so they let him pass as quickly as possible. I was seated in the middle seat with nothing to hold on to, so I kept flying up in the air when he turned a corner. On the way back, he got there so much faster than the other drivers, so he decided it would be fun to do donuts…and I literally thought I was going to fall out of the boat. I think I would have had more fun if I had expected a speedboat ride because I usually enjoy speedboats, but I thought it was going to be a calm ride. No wonder they had me sign a waiver!
Although most of the time we were going way too fast to take photos, the scenery on the river cruise was beautiful. The area was extremely lush with gorgeous trees and flowers. Our boat driver did stop a few times to point out birds and plants, but it would have been more interesting if we had time to admire the landscape. The devil's gut cactus on one of the trees really stood out to me.
We took the river cruise because it was the fastest way to get to the Lamanai Mayan Ruins, which deserve their own post because they ended up being one of the highlights of the cruise.

Catch up on our New Year's Caribbean Cruise: